


pushover-cli is a Python-based command-line client for https://pushover.net to send pushover notifications. This can be used for a variety of purposes, including:


Download and installation

Simply execute the following command to install the latest version of this script to your system:

sudo curl -o /usr/bin/pushover-cli https://raw.githubusercontent.com/markus-perl/pushover-cli/master/pushover-cli 
sudo chmod 555 /usr/bin/pushover-cli

Commandline options

Usage:   pushover-cli [options] <message> <title>
Stdin:   pushover-cli [options] - <title>
Example: pushover-cli -u ubLBe5u3zNXF9gBtX2zKkezSuPgu3v -t aK5BW3sjAqPsedH44VyQSbaQecoRen "Hello World"

    -u --user     <user id>             Pushover User-ID
    -t --token    <api token>           Pushover API-Token
    -d --device   <device name>         Device Name (if omitted, will broadcast to all devices)
    -p --priority <highest, high, normal, low, lowest>   Default: normal
    -r --retry    <30+>                 Default: 30)
    -e --expire   <30 - 10800>          Default: 300)
    -l --url      <url>                 Link the message to this URL
    -s --sound    <notification sound>  Default: pushover - see https://pushover.net/api#sounds
    -c --config   <path to file>        Default: /etc/pushover.conf
    -v --verbose                        Be verbose
    -q --quiet                          Be quiet

Proxy Utilization

Incorporating the PR from acaranta that enabled proxy support, if the HTTP_ENV environment variable is pointed at a proxy server URL, pushover-cli will treat that as the proxy gateway and route the message to Pushover through it.

Config file

Every command line option can also be set by creating the config file ~/.pushover-cli.conf or /etc/pushover-cli.conf

Example file:

user=<Pushover User ID>
token=<Pushover Application API Token>

After creating this file it is no more necessary to specify these options in the command line which makes it more easier to send a message:

$ pushover-cli "My Message" "My Title"


$ pushover-cli -d 'my_phone' 'My Message' 'My Title'


$ pushover-cli -s 'none' 'My Message' 'My Title'

for silent notification or use other tones https://pushover.net/api#sounds