

XcodeGen Extension for Visual Studio Code

This Visual Studio Code extension simplifies the process of creating and managing iOS projects. It automates the generation of initial project files, the creation of an Xcode project using XcodeGen, and the setup of debugging configurations for iOS development.

<br> <img src="./images/generate-project.gif" alt="Generating project.yml" width="600"/> <br><br> <img src="./images/build-project.gif" alt="Building project" width="600"/>


Getting Started

Creating a New Project

  1. Generate Project Files: Use the XcodeGen - Generate project command to create a new project. You will be prompted to input the application name and bundle id prefix. The extension will generate the necessary project.yml, launch.json and Application.swift files to get started.

Generating the Xcode Project

  1. Run the Generate xcodeproj Task: Before building your application, you must generate the .xcodeproj file. Run the Generate xcodeproj task manually to accomplish this. Currently, this task needs to be triggered manually as chaining multiple dependsOn tasks is not supported.

Debugging the Application

  1. Launch the iOS Application: After generating the Xcode project, you can launch your iOS application. This process will automatically trigger the Build using xcodebuild task and attach the 'iOS Debug' extension for debugging.

How It Works

Creating Project Files

launch.json Configuration

Known Limitations