


A project to create an SMS interface for the Ohana API. SMS, Voice, and SIP support through Tropo, web app hosted on Heroku. A civic hacking project to give back to the community by @Skram of Social Health Insights.


<table> <tr> <th>Service</th> <th>Number/Name</th> <th>Voice/Text</th> </tr> <tr> <th>Call/SMS</th> <td>+1 650-397-2418</td> <td>Both</td> </tr> <tr> <th>SIP</th> <td>sip:9991432720@sip.tropo.com</td> <td>Voice only</td> </tr> </table>

Data Source

This app uses data from the Ohana API.

Screenshots and Voice Recordings

<table> <tr> <td><a href="docs/sms_1_start.png" target="_blank"><img src="docs/sms_1_start.png" alt="sms demo - start view" title="SMS Example - Start of conversation" style="max-width:40%;"></a></td> <td><a href="docs/sms_2_details.png" target="_blank"><img src="docs/sms_2_details.png" alt="sms demo - detail view" title="SMS Example - End of conversation" style="max-width:40%;"></a></td> </tr> </table>

A recording of a voice session

Current Limitations


Steps to recreate

  1. You will need to have Ruby, Rubygems, Heroku and Git installed first.

  2. Drop into your command line and run the following commands:

  1. Edit the config.yml to use suit your preferences and make sure following ENV are set (Google Analytics ones and are optional):
  1. Back at the command line, issue:
  1. Log in or sign up for Tropo and create a new WebAPI application. For the App URL, enter in your Heroku app's URL and append /index.json to the end of it.

  2. That's it! Call in, use, and tinker with your app!