

<div align="center">

docsify.js sidebar footer


This plugin enhances your website's sidebar or page by creating a footer area where you can display important information. It automatically updates the copyright year or range, allows you to include your name or company with a URL, and provides links to a privacy policy, terms of service, and cookies policy pages. By utilising this plugin, you can easily showcase relevant legal information, personalise your website, and promote transparency and compliance.


!> Note: There are breaking changes in the configuration from v4.x to v5.x. Please take the time to read all the documentation before upgrading

Update index.html file

Assuming you have a working docsify framework set up, it is easy to use the plugin.

  1. Add one of the following script tags to your index.html via either CDN or downloading it and using it locally:

    <!-- unpkg.com -->
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/@markbattistella/docsify-sidebarfooter@latest"></script>
    <!-- jsDelivr -->
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@markbattistella/docsify-sidebarfooter@latest"></script>
    <!-- locally -->
    <script src="docsify-sidebar.min.js"></script>
  2. In docsify setup configure the plugin:

    window.$docsify = {
      autoFooter: {
        // the name you wish to display as the copyright holder
        name:        String,
        // the URL (personal or company) which clicking the `name` goes to
        url:         String,
        // the start year of copyright
        copyYear:    String,
        // show the privacy policy link
        policy:      Bool | String,
        // show the terms of service link
        terms:       Bool | String,
        // show the cookies policy link
        cookies:     Bool | String,
        // use your own css styles or the built in ones
        customStyle: Bool | String

Additional files


If you set the policy, terms, or cookies options to true the URL links for those pages will look for the markdown files directly next to the index.html file:

// ... other config
policy: true,
terms: true,
cookies: true,
// ... other config
- index.html      --> https://your-awesome-site.com/#/
- _policy.md      --> https://your-awesome-site.com/#/_policy
- _terms.md       --> https://your-awesome-site.com/#/_terms
- _cookies.md     --> https://your-awesome-site.com/#/_cookies


However, if you enter a string it will append that to the base URL of your website:

// ... other config
policy: 'site/policy',
terms: 'site/terms',
cookies: 'site/cookies',
// ... other config
- index.html      --> https://your-awesome-site.com/#/
- site/
  \__ policy.md   --> https://your-awesome-site.com/#/site/policy
  \__ terms.md    --> https://your-awesome-site.com/#/site/terms
  \__ cookies.md  --> https://your-awesome-site.com/#/site/cookies

External links

If you host your policy, terms, or cookies messages on an external website (or need to link to a parent company policy) you can add them in as the full URL:

// ... other config
policy: "https://my-other-website.com/policy",
terms: "https://my-other-website.com/terms",
cookies: "https://my-other-website.com/cookies",
// ... other config

These will open those pages in a new tab directly.


There are some options available for the docsify-sidebarfooter:

nameStringyour name or company
urlStringurl you want the name to link to
copyYearStringfirst year of copyright
policyBool or String- false hides it from the site<br/>- true defaults to _policy.md<br/>- a custom string will direct to that
termsBool or String- false hides it from the site<br/>- true defaults to _terms.md<br/>- a custom string will direct to that
cookiesBool or String- false hides it from the site<br/>- true defaults to _cookies.md<br/>- a custom string will direct to that
customStyleBool or String- false uses in-built css (sidebar styled)<br/>- true applies no styles, you can create your own<br/>- sidebar uses the in-built css designed for the sidebar<br/>- body uses the in-built css designed for the body



At the bottom of your _sidebar.md file add the following code:

<footer id="mb-footer"></footer>


Under the <div id="app"></div> in your index.html file, add the following code:

<footer id="mb-footer"></footer>


The links container is sectioned into different classes for you to customise as much (or little) as you wish.

<footer id="mb-footer">
  <div class="footer-container">
    <div class="footer-text">
      <span class="footer-text-copyright">
        Copyright © YYYY-YYYY
      <span class="footer-text-author">
        <a target="_blank" href="">Your website name</a>
    <div class="footer-link">
      <span class="footer-links-policy">
        <a href="">Policy</a>
      <span class="footer-links-terms">
        <a href="">Terms</a>
      <span class="footer-links-cookies">
        <a href="">Cookies</a>


  1. Clone the repo:<br>git clone https://github.com/markbattistella/docsify-sidebarFooter.git
  2. Create your feature branch:<br>git checkout -b my-feature
  3. Commit your changes:<br>git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch:<br>git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit the pull request