

<div align="center" class="gh">

docsify.js charty


This plugin enhances your Docsify documentation by adding SVG charts to your website. It allows you to add in multiple types of charts, including pie, doughnut, sectional, radar, area, scatter, line, and bar types. By utilising this plugin, you can easily show your data in a beautiful interface.


Update index.html file

Assuming you have a working docsify framework set up, it is easy to use the plugin.

  1. Add the following script and stylesheet to your index.html via either CDN or downloading it and using it locally:

    <!-- unpkg.com -->
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/@markbattistella/docsify-charty@latest/dist/docsify-charty.min.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@markbattistella/docsify-charty@latest/dist/docsify-charty.min.css">
    <!-- jsDelivr -->
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@markbattistella/docsify-charty@latest"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@markbattistella/docsify-charty@latest/dist/docsify-charty.min.css">
    <!-- locally -->
    <script src="docsify-charty.min.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="docsify-charty.min.css">
  2. In docsify setup, configure the plugin:

    window.$docsify = {
      charty: {
        // Global theme for chart colours in HEX
        theme: '.',
        // Accepts "dark" or "light"
        mode: "light",
        // Boolean to enable or disable debug messages
        debug: false


There are several options available for the docsify-charty plugin:

Example: index.html

themeString"#EE5599"Global theme for chart colours in HEX
modeString"light"Accepts "dark" or "light"
debugBooleanfalseConsole logs if charts aren't loading

Per chart settings

titleStringThe title of the chart, displayed at the top. Leave blank if you want to hide it
captionStringThe sub-text of the chart, displayed under the title. Leave blank to hide it
typeStringThe type of charty you want to display
options.themeStringSet an individual theme to this chart. It will override the global theme
options.legendBooleanShow the legend. Default true
options.labelsBooleanShow the chart labels. Default true
options.numbersBooleanShow the chart numbers. Default true
data.labelStringGraphed data point label
data.valueInt / ArrayGraphed value that puts it on the render
data.colourStringOverride the global and theme with a specific colour

Markdown code

  "title":   '',
  "caption": '',
  "type":    '',
  "options": {
    "theme":   '',
    "legend":  '',
    "labels":  '',
    "numbers": ''
  "data": [
      "label": '',
      "value": '',
      "colour": ''

Types of charts


Pie chart

docsify-charty: pie

Donut / Doughnut chart

docsify-charty: donut

Section / Sectional chart

docsify-charty: section

Rings chart

docsify-charty: rings


Radar chart

docsify-charty: radar

Area chart

docsify-charty: area


Scatter chart

docsify-charty: scatter

Bubble chart

docsify-charty: bubble

Line chart

docsify-charty: line<br> docsify-charty: line

Bar / Column

Bar / Bar-stack chart

docsify-charty: line<br> docsify-charty: line

Column / Column-stack chart

docsify-charty: line<br> docsify-charty: line


docsify-charty: line


  1. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/markbattistella/docsify-charty.git

  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-feature

  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'

  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature

  5. Submit the pull request