threepp (Work in progress)
Cross-platform C++20 port of the popular Javascript 3D library three.js r129.
Current state of the project
Most of the core library has been ported, including advanced rendering capabilities, however much remains to be done..
What works?
- Line, Points, Mesh, InstancedMesh
- Geometries [Box, Sphere, Plane, Cylindrical, Capsule, Tube, ++]
- Lights [Ambient, Directional, Point, Spot, Hemi]
- Raycasting [Mesh, Line, Points]
- 2D/3D Textures, 3D text, Sprites, RenderTarget, CubeMaps
- Transparency, Shadows
- Morphtargets, Bones
- Controls [Orbit, Fly, Drag]
- Water and Sky shaders
- Built-in text rendering and font loading [typeface.json, TTF]
- Loaders [Binary STL, OBJ/MTL, SVG, URDF]
- Basic Audio support using miniaudio
- Generic model loader based on Assimp
- Easy integration with Dear ImGui
Builds on Windows, Linux, MacOS, MinGW and with Emscripten.
But, but why?
Because fun.
How to build
comes bundled with all required core dependencies.
Use CMake for project configuration and building.
Do note that you may also use a system installation of GLFW3 if you want or have issues with the bundled setup by passing
to CMake.
cmake . -A x64 -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release"
cmake --build build --config "Release"
cmake . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release"
cmake --build build
However, some of the examples (and headers) require additional dependencies. To make use of all features and to enable/build all examples, the use of vcpkg is encouraged.
Using vcpkg for getting optional dependecies (using manifest mode)
Call CMake with -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[path to vcpkg]/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
Add optional features by listing them with -DVCPKG_MANIFEST_FEATURES=feature1;feature2
See vcpkg.json for available features.
Note, however, that under MinGW you'll need to specify the vcpkg triplet:
-DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-mingw-[static|dynamic] # choose either `static` or `dynamic`.
-DVCPKG_HOST_TRIPLET=x64-mingw-[static|dynamic] # <-- needed only if MSVC cannot be found.
Building examples with Emscripten
Pass to CMake:
-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="[path to emscripten]\emsdk\upstream\emscripten\cmake\Modules\Platform\Emscripten.cmake"
When using vcpkg, however, do:
-DVCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="[path to emscripten]\emsdk\upstream\emscripten\cmake\Modules\Platform\Emscripten.cmake"
This will generate .html versions of a subset of the examples to be loaded in a browser.
Optional downstream dependencies
When consuming threepp
in your own application,
some headers will require additional dependencies in order to compile.
Header | Dependency | Description |
AssimpLoader | assimp | Import a wide variety of different 3D formats |
ImguiContext | imgui | ImGUI utility |
Implementation notes
In general, you'll find that math classes are value types, while threepp
expect smart pointers for other types.
For convenience, geometries, materials etc. has a static ::create
function that returns a std::shared_ptr
Thus, you don't necessarily need to handle memory explicitly using threepp
Furthermore, materials, geometries and textures are automatically disposed when they go out of scope.
#include "threepp/threepp.hpp"
using namespace threepp;
auto createBox(const Vector3& pos, const Color& color) {
auto geometry = BoxGeometry::create();
auto material = MeshPhongMaterial::create();
material->color = color;
auto box = Mesh::create(geometry, material);
return box;
auto createPlane() {
auto planeGeometry = PlaneGeometry::create(5, 5);
auto planeMaterial = MeshLambertMaterial::create();
planeMaterial->color = Color::gray;
planeMaterial->side = Side::Double;
auto plane = Mesh::create(planeGeometry, planeMaterial);
plane->position.y = -1;
return plane;
int main() {
Canvas canvas("Demo");
GLRenderer renderer{canvas.size()};
auto scene = Scene::create();
auto camera = PerspectiveCamera::create(75, canvas.aspect(), 0.1f, 100);
camera->position.z = 5;
OrbitControls controls{*camera, canvas};
auto light = HemisphereLight::create();
auto plane = createPlane();
auto group = Group::create();
group->add(createBox({-1, 0, 0}, Color::green));
group->add(createBox({1, 0, 0}, Color::red));
canvas.onWindowResize([&](WindowSize size) {
camera->aspect = size.aspect();
Clock clock;
canvas.animate([&]() {
float dt = clock.getDelta();
group->rotation.y += 1.f * dt;
renderer.render(*scene, *camera);
Consuming threepp
Threepp is available as a CMake package and can be consumed in a number of ways.
CMake FetchContent (recommended)
is compatible with CMake's FetchContent
GIT_TAG tag_or_commit_hash
target_link_libraries(main PUBLIC threepp::threepp)
This is the preferred approach, as it enables users to update the targeted threepp version at will.
An example is provided here. See also this demo, which additionally uses WxWidgets as the Window system.