


We evaluated many tools with respect to many criteria. Further, we developed a Web application for searching for the tools that best fits your needs. Scripts and tools' evaluation files are currently available in this repository. A Web application is currently running in Heroku.

Please check the FAQ page in the Web application for instructions on how to request for adding new tools, or for changes in our evaluation of the tools.

Please cite our publications if you use this repository:

Mariana Neves and Jurica Seva. Annotationsaurus: A Searchable Directory of Annotation Tools, arXiv, 2020. PDF and BibTex

Mariana Neves and Jurica Seva. An extensive review of tools for manual annotation of documents, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2019. PDF and BibTex

List of annotation tools (in alphabetical order):

(see also TO-DO list at the end of the page)

AGTKlink to paperlink to tool
AlvisAElink to paperlink to tool
Anaforalink to paperlink to tool
Analeclink to papertool not found
Annotatorpaper not foundlink to tool
Anotatornialink to paperlink to tool
APLentylink to paperlink to tool
@Notelink to paperlink to tool
Argolink to paperlink to tool
Atomiclink to paperlink to tool
AWOCATolink to papertool not found
BioAnnotatelink to paperlink to tool
Bionotatelink to paperlink to tool
BioQRatorlink to paperlink to tool
bratlink to paperlink to tool
Cadixelink to paperlink to tool
Callistolink to paperlink to tool
Cas Editorpaper not foundlink to tool
Catmalink to paperlink to tool
CCASHlink to paperlink to tool
CLARIN-ELlink to paperlink to tool
Cocolink to papertool not found
CRAB readerlink to papertool not found
Djangologylink to paperlink to tool
doccanono paper foundlink to tool
DOMEOlink to paperlink to tool
EasyReflink to papertool not found
Egaslink to paperlink to tool
eHostpaper not foundlink to tool
Ellogonlink to paperlink to tool
EULIAlink to papertool not found
ezTaglink to paperlink to tool
FLATpaper not foundlink to tool
GATE Teamwarelink to paperlink to tool
GitDoxlink to paperlink to tool
Glozzlink to paperlink to tool
GraPATlink to paperlink to tool
Hexatomicpaper not foundlink to tool
Hypothesispaper not foundlink to tool
IBM Knowledge Studiopaper not foundlink to tool
Inforexlink to paperlink to tool
INCEpTIONlink to paperlink to tool
KAFnotatorlink to paperlink to tool
KCATlink to paperlink to tool
Knowtatorlink to paperlink to tool
LightTagpaper not foundlink to tool
MAElink to paperlink to tool
Markylink to paperlink to tool
MATpaper not foundlink to tool
MDSWriterlink to paperlink to tool
MedCATTrainerlink to paperlink to tool
MMAX2link to paperlink to tool
MyMinerlink to paperlink to tool
NOMADlink to paperlink to tool
ODINlink to paperlink to tool
OLLIElink to papertool not found
PACTElink to paperlink to tool
PALinkAlink to paperlink to tool
PDFAnnolink to paperlink to tool
prodigypaper not foundlink to tool
PubTatorlink to paperlink to tool
Punditpaper not foundlink to tool
RADlink to papertool not found
Redcoatlink to paperlink to tool
SALTOlink to paperlink to tool
SANTOlink to paperlink to tool
SAPIENTlink to paperlink to tool
SAWTlink to papertool not found
Semantatorlink to paperlink to tool
Serengetilink to papertool not found
SFAlink to paperlink to tool
Slatelink to papertool not found
SLATElink to paperlink to tool
SMARTlink to paperlink to tool
SYNC3link to papertool not found
tagtoglink to paperlink to tool
TALENlink to paperlink to tool
TeamTatlink to paperlink to tool
TextAEpaper not foundlink to tool
TextAnnotatorlink to paper, link to paperlink to tool
Textpressolink to paperlink to tool
TIARAlink to paperlink to tool
UAM Corpuslink to paperlink to tool
UniversalAnnotationToolpaper not foundlink to tool
Vogonpaper not foundlink to tool
WARP-Textlink to paperlink to tool
WASAlink to papertool not found
WAT-SLlink to paperlink to tool
WebAnnolink to paperlink to tool
WebAnnotatorlink to paperlink to tool
WordFreaklink to paperlink to tool
XConc Suitepaper not foundlink to tool
YEDDAlink to paperlink to tool

TO-DO list (in alphabetical order):

ActiveAnnolink to paperlink to tool
Arboratorpaper not foundlink to tool
DARTlink to papertool not found
EXMERaLDApaper not foundlink to tool
FITAnnotatorlink to papertool not found
FLExpaper not foundlink to tool
HUMANlink to paperlink to tool
Label Studiopaper not foundlink to tool
Litescalepaper not foundlink to tool
MedTatorlink to paperlink to tool
OGERlink to paperlink to tool
Ontoclicklink to paperlink to tool
Paladinlink to paperlink to tool
Palmyralink to paperlink to tool
RSTToolpaper not foundlink to tool
rstWebpaper not foundlink to tool
SWANpaper not foundlink to tool
TagRulerlink to paperlink to tool
Toolboxpaper not foundlink to tool
TrEdpaper not foundlink to tool
UBIAIpaper not foundlink to tool
UD Annotatrixpaper not foundlink to tool
Visiodocspaper not foundlink to tool