


Paginator for SQLAlchemy query object, list or iterable


pip install paginator

Simple Usage with an iterable

from paginator import Paginator

items = range(1, 1000)

items = Paginator(items, page=1, per_page=10)

for item in items:

Simple Usage with an iterable and callback

from paginator import Paginator

items = range(1, 1000)

def my_callback(item):
    # do something
    return item
items = Paginator(items, page=1, per_page=10, callback=my_callback)

for item in items:


Paginator(query, page=1, per_page=10, total=None, padding=0, callback=None, static_query=False)

    :param query: Iterable to paginate. Can be a query object, list or any iterables
    :param page: current page
    :param per_page: max number of items per page
    :param total: Max number of items. If not provided, it will use the query to count
    :param padding: Number of elements of the next page to show
    :param callback: a function to callback on each item being iterated.
    :param static_query: bool - When True it will return the query as is, without slicing/limit. Usally when using the paginator to just create the pagination.

Jinja macro

{#: PAGINATION -------------------------------------------------------------- #}
     :paginator: iterator
     :prev: Text for previous button
     :next: Text for Next button
     :class_: A class name for pagination if customed. If you are extending the class
             best to add the original class and your custom class
             ie: 'pagination my_custom_pagination' or 'pager my_custom_page'
     :pager: If true it will show a pager instead of numbered pagination

{% macro pagination(paginator, endpoint=None, prev="", next="", class_=None, pager=False) %}
    {% if not endpoint %}
        {% set endpoint = request.endpoint %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if "page" in kwargs %}
        {% set _ = kwargs.pop("page") %}
    {% endif %}

    {%  if not class_ %}
        {% set class_ = "pagination" %}
        {% if pager %}
            {% set class_ = "pager" %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

    {% set _prev_btn = "<span aria-hidden='true'>&larr;</span> %s" % prev %}
    {% set _next_btn = "<span aria-hidden='true'>&rarr;</span> %s" % next %}

      <ul class="{{ class_ }}">

          {%- if paginator.has_prev %}
            <li class="previous">
                <a href="{{ url_for(endpoint, page=paginator.prev_page_number, **kwargs) }}">
                     {{ _prev_btn | safe }}</a>
          {% else %}
            <li class="disabled previous">
                <a href="#">{{ _prev_btn | safe }}</a>
          {%- endif %}

            {% if not pager %}

                  {%- for page in paginator.iter_pages() %}
                    {% if page %}
                      {% if page != paginator.page %}
                        <li><a href="{{ url_for(endpoint, page=page, **kwargs) }}"
                         rel="me">{{ page }}</a></li>
                      {% else %}
                        <li class="active"><span>{{ page }}</span></li>
                      {% endif %}
                    {% else %}
                      <li><span class=ellipsis>…</span></li>
                    {% endif %}
                  {%- endfor %}

            {% endif %}

          {%- if paginator.has_next %}
            <li class="next">
                <a href="{{ url_for(endpoint, page=paginator.next_page_number, **kwargs) }}">
                    {{ _next_btn | safe }}</a>
          {% else %}
            <li class="disabled next">
                <a href="#">{{ _next_btn | safe }}</a>
          {%- endif %}

{% endmacro %}


(c) 2015 Mardix