



Welcome to this boilerplate to quickly start Flask applications with HTMX and Tailwind CSS. It's a great stack to quickly prototype new web applications using Python.

Project structure is based on the Flask tutorial.

What is HTMX? Htmx lets you build modern and powerful user interfaces with simple markups without using any JavaScript. It's done by sending AJAX requests directly from an HTML element.

What is Tailwind CSS? Is a CSS framework to rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving HTML.

Quick Start

  1. Clone the repo

     $ git clone https://github.com/marcusschiesser/flask-htmx-boilerplate
     $ cd flask-htmx-boilerplate
  2. Initialize and activate a virtual environment:

     $ python3 -m venv env
     $ source env/bin/activate
  3. Install the dependencies:

     $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run the development server:

     $ python app.py

Adding a Database layer

To keep this template simple, no database layer was added. You can directly connect to a database as shown in the Flask tutorial or if you need the complexity of an ORM, add SQLAlchemy.