


This script "patches" Google Chrome's implementation of the i18n API so that it conforms more fully with ECMAScript's Internationalization API.

In particular it makes the following methods work as defined by the ECMAScript Internationalization specification:

Not all functionality is currently supported. Array.prototype.sort() currently does not accept a collator. For other upcoming features and issues, see our issues page.

How to use it

Note that this script is not meant for production environments. It's just meant to give you a taste of what the API will be able to do once it becomes more widely adopted by browsers and other JS-enabled environments, like Node.js.

<script src="https://raw.github.com/marcoscaceres/jsi18n/master/jsi18n_patch.js">

Simple usage examples:

date = new Date();
date.toLocaleString("en-us", {weekday: 'long'}); //returns Monday
date.toLocaleTimeString("ar");    //returns time in arabic

(123456).toLocaleString("en-us"); //returns "123,456"

(123456).toLocaleString("ar", {style: "currency", currency: "USD"});
//returns "US$ ١٢٣٬٤٥٦٫٠٠"

Found a bug? want to contribue

Please contribute to our issues page on Github.

Wanna know more?

We have created some detailed documentation on how to use the JavaScript Internationalization API.

Felling like a pro? See also [the ECMAScript Internationalization API specs](h ttp://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=globalization:specification_drafts)