

<img align="left" width="100" height="100" src="res/icon.svg">

Telescope.Touch: the definitive mobile planetarium

Telescope.Touch was born as an attempt of merging Sky Map and IPARCOS, an INDI client for Android. It features full telescope control and mobile sky chart functionality, with a completely renewed user interface and base code.

The project's main page is on GitHub

<a href="https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=P4SBCHY837WMY" target="_blank"><img alt="Donate via PayPal" border="0" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marcocipriani01/Telescope.Touch/master/res/Paypal_donate.png" height="70" align="right"/></a>


<img align="left" width="250" src="res/Connection.png"> <img align="center" width="250" src="res/Mount.png"> <img align="right" width="250" src="res/Control.png">


Installing Telescope.Touch

Telescope control usage

  1. Prerequisite
  1. Connection:
  1. INDI control panel:
  1. Telescope motion:
  1. Focuser control:

Sky Map feature

You can access the sky map by pressing on the map icon in the navigation bar. There, you'll find all the usual Sky Map features with a renewed user interface and high-definition planet thumbnails.

About this app

Telescope.Touch is developed by Marco Cipriani (@marcocipriani01). More info about me on my website.


Libraries and credits

The licenses for each software library used in the project can be found in the app (About this app > menu > Open-source Licenses)