

Flutter template by ShipFlutter

A simple Flutter boilerplate template made with ShipFlutter base module. Contains the main structure with state management (signals), dependency injection (lite_ref) and others (theme, slang, etc..).

Read more about the basics in the documentation.

ShipFlutter boilerplate template

Initial setup

To setup the project and workspace follow these steps:

  1. Download/Clone project

  2. Open with VSCode or Android Studio

  3. Run setup script

    sh setup.sh
  4. Run the project

    flutter run

Upgrade the project

ShipFlutter offers many other modules, like payments, notifications, chatbot powered by Vertex AI and more.

You can upgrade the project by building a new version at builder.shipflutter.com or directly purchasing a reduced whitelabel template here.

A discount of 50% is offered for limited time with EARLY50 coupon.

See it in action:

ShipFlutter starer-kit in action

Created with ❤ by pibi.studio