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An implementation of the RDF data model in Elixir.

The API documentation can be found here. For a guide and more information about RDF.ex and it's related projects, go to https://rdf-elixir.dev.

Migration guides for the various versions can be found in the Wiki.



There's still much to do for a complete RDF ecosystem for Elixir, which means there are plenty of opportunities to contribute. Here are some suggestions:

See CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you need help with your Elixir and Linked Data projects, just contact NinjaConcept via contact@ninjaconcept.com.


<table style="border: 0;"> <tr> <td><a href="https://www.netze-bw.de/"><img src="https://iconape.com/wp-content/png_logo_vector/netze-bw-logo.png" alt="NetzeBW Logo" height="150"></a></td> <td><a href="https://nlnet.nl/"><img src="https://nlnet.nl/logo/banner.svg" alt="NLnet Foundation Logo" width="150"></a></td> <td><a href="https://www.jetbrains.com/?from=RDF.ex"><img src="https://resources.jetbrains.com/storage/products/company/brand/logos/jb_beam.svg" alt="JetBrains Logo" height="150"></a></td> </tr> </table>

The development of this project was partly sponsored by NetzeBW for NETZlive and the NLnet foundation as part of the funding of K-Gen.

JetBrains supports the project with complimentary access to its development environments.

License and Copyright

(c) 2016-present Marcel Otto. MIT Licensed, see LICENSE for details.