

Marcel Dias' dotfiles

My own macOS preferences and configurations for ZSH, Java, Docker, Terminals and others.



Your dotfiles are how you personalize your system. These are mine.

I was a little tired of having long alias files and everything strewn about (which is extremely common on other dotfiles projects, too). That led to this project being much more topic-centric. I realized I could split a lot of things up into the main areas I used (Ruby, git, system libraries, and so on), so I structured the project accordingly.

If you're interested in the philosophy behind why projects like these are awesome, you might want to read Caarlos0 post on the subject.


Run this:

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marcel-dias/dotfiles/main/script/install)"

This will symlink the appropriate files in .dotfiles to your home directory. Everything is configured and tweaked within ~/.dotfiles.

dot is a simple script that installs some dependencies, sets sane OS X defaults, and so on. Tweak this script, and occasionally run dot from time to time to keep your environment fresh and up-to-date. You can find this script in bin/.


Everything's built around topic areas. If you're adding a new area to your forked dotfiles — say, "Erlang" — you can simply add a erlang directory and put files in there. Anything with an extension of .zsh will get automatically included into your shell. Anything with an extension of .symlink will get symlinked without extension into $HOME when you run script/bootstrap.

what's inside

A lot of stuff. Seriously, a lot of stuff. Check them out in the file browser above and see what components may mesh up with you. Fork it, remove what you don't use, and build on what you do use.


There's a few special files in the hierarchy.


All those are managed by Antibody, a faster version of Antigen written in Go.

Test it within Docker

Yes you can! Pull the repo and run:

$ docker build -t dotfiles .
$ docker run -it dotfiles

It will start a fresh container with my dotfiles inside and dumb git credentials.


I want to add my thanks to caarlos0 He forked Holmans' excellent dotfiles and tweaked it. Also I have copied a bunch of things from other people, so, thanks everyone!