


Tired of having to think of directories and names for your throwaway playground files? PlayNow is here solve all your problems!

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apalancat/PlayNow/gh/icon_512x512.png" width="256" title="It has an icon!"/>


Best way to install is using curl so it bypasses Gatekeeper (Thanks mxcl for the tip!):

cd /Applications && curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apalancat/PlayNow/gh/PlayNow.tgz | tar x

You can also download it and Control-click to have Gatekeeper give you the option to open it.

Install with Homebrew Cask

  1. Install Homebrew: /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  2. Install Cask: brew install cask
  3. Install PlayNow: brew cask install playnow


PlayNow creates an iOS playground by default. If you prefer OS X or tvOS playgrounds you can open the file PlayNow.app/Contents/MacOS/PlayNow with your favorite text editor and change platform = "ios" to platform = "osx" or platform = "tvos" (non-favorite text editors could also work).

How to use it?

  1. Open the app with your App Launcher (or manually)
  2. It creates a new Playground in /tmp
  3. The Playground opens automatically in Xcode
  4. ??
  5. Profit


What is it?

It's just a simple ruby script wrapped in an app that creates empty Swift playground files in your /tmp directory and opens them with Xcode. The script itself is here.