UCSC Genome browser hub for the T2T genomes and resources
Links to the browser
Stable Release version (Recommended)
Developmental version
What's in the browser
Latest tracks made publicly available for the following genomes:
- T2T-CHM13v2.0
- mGorGor1_v2.0
- mPanPan1_v2.0
- mPanTro3_v2.0
- mPonAbe1_v2.0
- mPonPyg2_v2.0
- mSymSyn1_v2.0
- HG002v1.0.1.MAT
- HG002v1.0.1.PAT
- HG002v1.1.MAT
- HG002v1.1.PAT
For convenience, the non-human primate genome browsers are available for its primary assembly versions as well in addition to the diploid version.
Additional browser links
- Genome Archive GenArk: Automatically built by UCSC Genome Browser for each NCBI genomes
- Legacy T2T-CHM13 browsers: v1.0 | v1.1
- GenArk version of T2T-CHM13v2.0