


Implements the tilelive API for rendering mapnik vector tiles to raster images.

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new Vector(options, callback)

Code concepts

Backend headers

The Backend and Vector sources set the x-vector-backend-object header to indicate the type of backend source tile loaded. Possible values:

emptybackend returned no tile
fillzoomtile from the fillzoom of the backend (backfilled from a lower zoom)
overzoomtile from the maxzoom of the backend (overzoomed)
defaultnormal tile

Bonus constructors

There are two additional constructors provided for slightly different workflows for loading vector sources.

Vector.tm2z(uri, callback)

Load a vector source from a uri (filepath or HTTP url) to a tm2-generated tm2z style package.

Vector.xray(options, callback)

Load a vector source with autogenerated data inspection ("xray") styles. xml is not required -- only the uri to a vector source backend is necessary.