


A Tile Reduce processor for detecting potentially untagged sidewalks in OpenStreetMap


npm install 

downloading osm qa tiles

OSM QA tiles are very large (38 GB compressed, 49 GB expanded). On OSX & Linux systems, you can run the build process by executing ./download.sh.

On Windows, or if you wish to download QA tiles yourself:


When executing the Tile Reduce task, you must provide a bounding box to select tiles. For example:

node index.js --area=[-77.12,38.79,-76.9,39] > output.json


The output of the Tile Reduce job is a line-separated list of sidewalk linestrings. This format works well with tippecanoe, for example:

tippecanoe -f -o sidewalks.mbtiles output.json

The resulting mbtiles can be uploaded as a Mapbox data source online, or via command line using mapbox-upload