



Generate statistics about geographic data.


npm install @mapbox/mapbox-geostats


You feed the module a file, and it outputs stats about the geographic data in the file.

Input types

Supports the following file types:


You'll notice the following limitations in the output:

Avoid limitations by specifying attributes

Because of the necessary limitation on the number of reported attributes, you may end up with output that does not include details about a particular attribute that you wanted to learn about, because 100 attributes were already reported.

If you are the victim of this misfortune, use the attributes option, documented below, to specify the attribute(s) whose details you'd like to inspect.

When you use attributes, the limitations on attribute values change based on the following rules.

So if you've specified a limited number of attributes to inspect, the number of values that will be counted and reported can be tailored to that count. If you specify one attribute, you can see up to 10,000 values reported, 100,000 values counted per attribute. If you specify 5 attributes, you can see up to 2,000 values reported, 20,000 values counted per attribute.


mapbox-geostats generate a tilestats JSON object

Generate statistics about geographic data.

  mapbox-geostats <input> <options>

  Output is logged to the console as a JSON string.

  --attributes, -a Specify attributes to analyze. The provided value
                   will be parsed as an array, split on commas.

  mapbox-geostats population-centers.geojson --attributes name,pop > output.json

mapbox-geostats-validate: validate a tilestats JSON object

  mapbox-geostats-validate <file>

  Output is empty if valid, or a list of errors.

  mapbox-geostats-validate ./path/to/stats.json


var geostats = require('@mapbox/mapbox-geostats');

geostats(filePath, options).then(function (stats) {
  // Do something with the stats
}).catch(function (err) {
  // Do something with the error

There's just one exposed function:

geostats(filePath[, options])

Returns a Promise that resolves with a stats object, whose structure is described below.

filepath (required) is the path to the file that you'd like to analyze.

options (optional) is an optional object that can have the following properties:

Output: the stats

The tilestats jsonschema is specified in the /schema directory under schema/tilestats.json

The stats output has this structure:

  // The number of layers in the source data (max. 1000)
  "layerCount": Number,
  // An array of details about the first 100 layers
  "layers": [
      // The name of this layer
      "layer": String,
      // The number of features in this layer
      "count": Number,
      // The dominant geometry type in this layer
      "geometry": String,
      // The number of unique attributes in this layer (max. 1000)
      "attributeCount": Number
      // An array of details about the first 100 attributes in this layer
      "attributes": [
          // The name of this attribute
          "attribute": String,
          // The number of unique values for this attribute (max. 1000)
          "count": Number,
          // The type of this attribute's values
          "type": String, // More info below ...
          // An array of this attribute's first 100 unique values
          "values": [
            // ...
          // If there are *any* numbers in the values, the following
          // numeric stats will be reported
          "min": Number,
          "max": Number
        // ...
    // ...

You can find more examples in the test fixtures.

Attribute type

Each attribute has one of the following types:

Array and object values are coerced to strings.

Known caveats