


Helps you gather telemetry data in an Aurelia application.


Unless told otherwise, the plugin doesn't do anything automatically. However, the configuration callback is passed a ConfigurationBuilder instance, which can be used to enable various automatic tracking features:

import {ConfigurationBuilder} from 'aurelia-telemetry';

export function configure(aurelia: Aurelia) {
    .plugin('aurelia-telemetry', (c: ConfigurationBuilder) => {
      // Configure the plugin here

  aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot());

The ConfigurationBuilder interface has the following methods:

All those methods return the ConfigurationBuilder instance, so their calls can be chained.

For example, to enable only global errors and page views:

  .plugin('aurelia-telemetry', (c: ConfigurationBuilder) => {

Or to enable all types of automatic tracking:

  .plugin('aurelia-telemetry', (c: ConfigurationBuilder) => {

Configuring a client implementation

The aurelia-telemetry plugin doesn't implement any client for specific telemetry technologies. As such, when using aurelia-telemetry in an Aurelia application, you must also either use an adapter plugin (see the existing implementations) over your favorite telemetry provider, or implement your own TelemetryClient.

Custom telemetry client

A telemetry client must extend the TelemetryClient base class:

import {TelemetryClient} from 'aurelia-telemetry';

export class MyCustomTelemetryClient extends TelemetryClient {

  public trackPageView(path: string): void {
    // Do your thing...

  public trackEvent(name: string, properties?: { [key: string]: any }): void {
    // Do your thing...

  public trackError(error: Error | string): void {
    // Do your thing...

  public trackLog(message: string, level: number, ...args: any[]): void {
    // Do your thing...

Next, you need to register it during startup:

import {TelemetryClient} from 'aurelia-telemetry';
import {MyCustomTelemetryClient} from './my-custom-telemetry-client';

export function configure(aurelia: Aurelia) {
    .plugin('aurelia-telemetry', (c: ConfigurationBuilder) => { c.useDefault(); })
    .singleton(TelemetryClient, MyCustomTelemetryClient);

  aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot());

Implementation plugins


Automatic logs tracking

When enabled, all logs passing through Aurelia's LogManager are sent to the TelemetryClient's trackLog method.

Automatic global errors tracking

When enabled, all unhandled errors are sent to the TelemetryClient's trackError method.

Automatic page views tracking

When enabled, each time Aurelia's Router successfully navigates to a route, the TelemetryClient's trackPageView method is called. Additionally, each time the Router fails to navigate to a route, the TelemetryClient's trackError method is called with the navigation error.

Event tracking

Using aurelia-telemetry's trackEvent binding behavior, you can easily make any .delegate, .trigger, or .call bindings send custom event trackings:

<button click.delegate="doSomething() & trackEvent:'my-custom-event'">Action</button>

Here, every time the button is clicked, TelemetryClient's trackEvent method will be called and passed 'my-custom-event' as the event name.

The event will be sent to the TelemetryClient after the doSomething() method is called. Additionally, if doSomething() returns a Promise, the call to trackEvent will be performed only when the Promise is resolved. Thanks to this, you can make sure that events depending on a remote operation will be tracked only once the remote call completes successfully.

Optionally, an object containing additional properties can also be passed as the binding behavior's second parameter:

<button click.delegate="doSomething() & trackEvent:'my-custom-event':{ someProperty: 'a value' }">Action</button>

In such a case, the additional properties will also be passed to the underlying TelemetryClient's trackEvent method. Those properties can then be used by the client implementation, or not. It depends on the implementation you use.