


Micropython code which uses the AWS-IOT REST API to GET/POST device state info.

There are 4 primary modules:

The use case is an IoT application where the device sleeps most of the time (to save battery) and retrieve commands from the cloud when the device wakes up. A motorized window treatment which uses a processor to control a motor and position a shade/curtain is an example. It wakes up and retrieves the desired position every few minutes. If the desired position is different than the current position, the processor controls the motor to change the position to the desired position.

A more detailed description of how to setup and run the software is at: hackster.io

If using HTTP (instead of MQTT) aws_thing_loop requires:

An example using custom hardware: a window shade controller

Motorized Shade Overview

The overarching goal of this project is to save energy by using automated/motorized honeycomb shades:

Circuit Board Overview

The circuit board is dimensioned to fit inside the shade housing. It has connectors for the following:

The circuit board has the following components:

The circuit board schematic and layout is at: motor_driver_with_sensors-v3 by MyOrg a7f8b2001762c006 - Upverter

The PCB can be ordered here: oshpark

2 modules used by the shade_controller module are: