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Install script

To install or update manifold, you can use the install script using cURL:

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/manifoldco/manifold-cli/master/install.sh | sh

You can customize the install directory, profile, and version using the MANIFOLD_DIR, PROFILE and MANIFOLD_VERSION variables. Eg: curl ... | MANIFOLD_DIR=/usr/local sh for a global install.

Homebrew (OS X)

Homebrew can be installed via brew.sh

$ brew install manifoldco/brew/manifold-cli

Zip Archives (OS X, Linux, Windows)

Bare zip archives per release version are available on https://releases.manifold.co

For instructions on Windows, click here.


If you have bash and bash-completion installed, you can enable autocomplete with:

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/manifoldco/manifold-cli/master/autocomplete.sh | sh


First you must create an account.

$ manifold signup

Then you can create your first resource.

$ manifold create

Followed by running your process with the appropriate ENV.

$ manifold run ./bin/server


Manifold's manifold-cli is released under the BSD 3-Clause License.