

Citations from BibTeX for Sublime Text

This Sublime Text 3 plugin provides citation search and Tab-completion for citations stored in a BibTeX file. Configure the file path and you are good to go!

The default set up is optimized to work with AcademicMarkdown.

Uses the bibtexparser library from sciunto.


You must specify the location of your BibTeX file or files in the Citer-sublime-settings preferences file. Multiple files can be added as a list.

Optionally you can define

See below for example (default) configuration


    "bibtex_file ": "example/path/to/file.bib",
    // You can also specify a list
    //"bibtex_file_path": ["example/path/to/file.bib", "example/path/to/fileTwo.bib"],


    //By default Citer Search looks for your keyword in the 
    //author, title, year, and Citekey (id) fields
    "search_fields": ["author", "title", "year", "id"] ,
    //Default format is @Citekey
    "citation_format": "@%s",
    //list of scopes. Could be top level "text" or "source", or limit to
    // e.g "text.html.markdown"
    "completions_scopes": ["text"],
    "enable_completions": true,
    //Customise the quickview of you library, using python format syntax
    "quickview_format": "{citekey} - {title}",
    "auto_merge_citations": false,
    "excluded_scopes": [],


Citer: Search - enter a search term. All results where the term is found in the author, title, citekey, or year fields will be shown (the searched fields are configurable)

Citer: Show All - show all the entries in your BibTeX in a quick view (you can then search in the title)

Citer: Insert Title - show all the entries in your BibTeX in a searchable quick view, inserts the title

Citer: Combine adjacent citations - Combines neighbouring citations i.e. [@Fred2000][@Mary2001] becomes [@Fred2000; @Mary2001]


Citer provides autocompletions for your citekeys, these are enabled by default and can be disabled in the config.


Citer has been tested with BibTeX generated by Mendeley, Jabref, and Zotero. It should work with any well-formed BibTeX file.



LGPLv3. See COPYING for details.