

<img src="resources/flare-emu_logo.jpg?raw=true " width="350"/>


flare-emu marries a supported binary analysis framework, such as IDA Pro or Radare2, with Unicorn’s emulation framework to provide the user with an easy to use and flexible interface for scripting emulation tasks. It is designed to handle all the housekeeping of setting up a flexible and robust emulator for its supported architectures so that you can focus on solving your code analysis problems. Currently, flare-emu supports the x86, x86_64, ARM, and ARM64 architectures.

It currently provides five different interfaces to serve your emulation needs, along with a slew of related helper and utility functions.

  1. emulateRange – This API is used to emulate a range of instructions, or a function, within a user-specified context. It provides options for user-defined hooks for both individual instructions and for when “call” instructions are encountered. The user can decide whether the emulator will skip over, or call into function calls. This interface provides an easy way for the user to specify values for given registers and stack arguments. If a bytestring is specified, it is written to the emulator’s memory and the pointer is written to the register or stack variable. After emulation, the user can make use of flare-emu’s utility functions to read data from the emulated memory or registers, or use the Unicorn emulation object that is returned for direct probing. A small wrapper function for emulateRange, named emulateSelection, can be used to emulate the range of instructions currently highlighted in IDA Pro.

  2. iterate - This API is used to force emulation down specific branches within a function in order to reach a given target. The user can specify a list of target addresses, or the address of a function from which a list of cross-references to the function is used as the targets, along with a callback for when a target is reached. The targets will be reached, regardless of conditions during emulation that may have caused different branches to be taken. Like the emulateRange API, options for user-defined hooks for both individual instructions and for when “call” instructions are encountered are provided. An example use of the iterate API is to achieve something similar to what our argtracker tool does.

  3. iterateAllPaths - This API is much like iterate, except that instead of providing a target address or addresses, you provide a target function that it will attempt to find all paths through and emulate. This is useful when you are performing code analysis that wants to reach every basic block of a function.

  4. emulateBytes – This API provides a way to simply emulate a blob of extraneous shellcode. The provided bytes are not added to the IDB and are simply emulated as is. This can be useful for preparing the emulation environment. For example, flare-emu itself uses this API to manipulate a Model Specific Register (MSR) for the ARM64 CPU that is not exposed by Unicorn in order to enable Vector Floating Point (VFP) instructions and register access. The Unicorn emulation object is returned for further probing by the user.

  5. emulateFrom - This API is useful in cases where function boundaries are not clearly defined as is often the case with obfuscated binaries or shellcode. You provide a starting address, and it will emulate until there is nothing left to emulate or you stop emulation in one of your hooks. With IDA Pro, this can be called with the strict parameter set to False to enable dynamic code discovery; flare-emu will have IDA Pro make instructions as they are encountered during emulation.


To install flare-emu for IDA Pro, simply drop flare_emu.py, flare_emu_ida.py, and flare_emu_hooks.py into your IDA Pro's python directory and import it as a module in your IDAPython scripts.

To install flare-emu for Radare2, simply ensure that flare_emu.py, flare_emu_radare.py, and flare_emu_hooks.py are in Python's search path for importing modules. When using Radare2 as the binary analysis component for flare-emu, r2pipe is required.

In any case, flare-emu depends on Unicorn and its Python bindings.

flare-emu was written using the new IDA Pro 7x API, it is not backwards compatible with previous versions of IDA Pro.


While flare-emu can be used to solve many different code analysis problems, one of its more common uses is to aid in decrypting strings in malware binaries. FLOSS is a great tool than can often do this automatically for you by attempting to identify the string decrypting function(s) and using emulation to decrypt the strings passed in at every cross-reference to it. However, it is not possible for FLOSS to always be able to identify these functions and emulate them properly using its generic approaches. Sometimes you have to do a little more work, and this is where flare-emu can save you a lot of time once you are comfortable with it. Let's walk through a common scenario a malware analyst encounters when dealing with encrypted strings.

Easy String Decryption Scenario with IDA Pro

You've identified the function to decrypt all the strings in an x86_64 binary. This function is called all over the place and decrypts many different strings. In IDA Pro, you name this function decryptString. Here is your flare-emu script to decrypt all these strings and place comments with the decrypted strings at each function call as well as logging each decrypted string and the address it is decrypted at.

from __future__ import print_function
import flare_emu

def decrypt(argv):
    myEH = flare_emu.EmuHelper()
    myEH.emulateRange(myEH.analysisHelper.getNameAddr("decryptString"), registers = {"arg1":argv[0], "arg2":argv[1], 
                           "arg3":argv[2], "arg4":argv[3]})
    return myEH.getEmuString(argv[0])
def iterateCallback(eh, address, argv, userData):
    s = decrypt(argv)
    print("%s: %s" % (eh.hexString(address), s))
    eh.analysisHelper.setComment(address, s, False)
if __name__ == '__main__':   
    eh = flare_emu.EmuHelper()
    eh.iterate(eh.analysisHelper.getNameAddr("decryptString"), iterateCallback)

In __main__, we begin by creating an instance of the EmuHelper class from flare-emu. This is the class we use to do everything with flare-emu. Next, we use the iterate API, giving it the address of our decryptString function and the name of our callback function that EmuHelper will call for each cross-reference emulated up to.

The iterateCallback function receives the EmuHelper instance, named eh here, along with the address of the cross-reference, the arguments passed to this particular call, and a special dictionary named userData here. userData is not used in this simple example, but think of it as a persistent context to your emulator where you can store your own custom data. Be careful though, because flare-emu itself also uses this dictionary to store critical information it needs to perform its tasks. One such piece of data is the EmuHelper instance itself, stored in the "EmuHelper" key. If you are interested, search the source code to learn more about this dictionary. This callback function simply calls the decrypt function, prints the decrypted string and creates a comment for it at the address of that call to decryptString.

decrypt creates a second instance of EmuHelper that is used to emulate the decryptString function itself, which will decrypt the string for us. The prototype of this decryptString function is as follows: char * decryptString(char *text, int textLength, char *key, int keyLength). It simply decrypts the string in place. Our decrypt function passes in the arguments as received by the iterateCallback function to our call to EmuHelper's emulateRange API. Since this is an x86_64 binary, the calling convention uses registers to pass arguments and not the stack. flare-emu automatically determines which registers represent which arguments based on the architecture and file format of the binary as determined by IDA Pro, allowing you to write at least somewhat architecture agnostic code. If this were 32-bit x86, you would use the stack argument to pass the arguments instead, like so: myEH.emulateRange(myEH.analysisHelper.getNameAddr("decryptString"), stack = [0, argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]]). The first stack value is the return address in x86, so we just use 0 as a placeholder value here. Once emulation is complete, we call the getEmuString API to retrieve the null-terminated string stored in the memory location pointed to by the first argument passed to the function.

Easy String Decryption Scenario with Radare2

Using the same example above, not much changes when working with Radare2 rather than IDA Pro. One difference is that flare-emu is currently designed to be run as a command-line script or within a Python shell when working with Radare2. The Python shell is great for ad-hoc problem solving while the command-line script is great for batch processing. The Radare2 version of the script above looks like this:

from __future__ import print_function
import flare_emu

def decrypt(argv, eh):
    myEH = flare_emu.EmuHelper(samplePath=sys.argv[1], emuHelper=eh)
    myEH.emulateRange(myEH.analysisHelper.getNameAddr("decryptString"), registers = {"arg1":argv[0], "arg2":argv[1], 
                           "arg3":argv[2], "arg4":argv[3]})
    return myEH.getEmuString(argv[0])
def iterateCallback(eh, address, argv, userData):
    s = decrypt(argv, eh)
    print("%s: %s" % (eh.hexString(address), s))
    eh.analysisHelper.setComment(address, s, False)
if __name__ == '__main__':   
    eh = flare_emu.EmuHelper(samplePath=sys.argv[1])
    eh.analysisHelper.setName(<some address>, "decryptString")
    eh.iterate(eh.analysisHelper.getNameAddr("decryptString"), iterateCallback)

There are two differences with this script. First, the EmuHelper constructor takes a parameter here: samplePath=sys.argv[1]. When the samplePath parameter is provided, flare-emu will use Radare2 with r2pipe as its binary analysis engine. You can also see that a second parameter is passed to the second EmuHelper instance created in the decrypt function. The emuHelper parameter takes an existing EmuHelper object and clones its memory when creating the new object. Also, if you are using Radare2, the new instance re-uses the existing Radare2 session instead of creating a new one which would add more overhead. Second, flare-emu creates a new instance of Radare2 using r2pipe.open, so it will likely not have the name decryptString for the function we are interested in. You can either set the name yourself using EmuHelper's analysisHelper object like so: eh.analysisHelper.setName(<some address>, "decryptString"), or you can directly input the address for the calls to iterate and emulateRange.

Emulation Functions

emulateRange(startAddr, endAddr=None, registers=None, stack=None, instructionHook=None, callHook=None, memAccessHook=None, hookData=None, skipCalls=True, hookApis=True, strict=True, count=0) - Emulates the range of instructions starting at startAddress and ending at endAddress, not including the instruction at endAddress. If endAddress is None, emulation stops when a "return" type instruction is encountered within the same function that emulation began.

iterate(target, targetCallback, preEmuCallback=None, callHook=None, instructionHook=None, hookData=None, resetEmuMem=False, hookApis=True, memAccessHook=None) - For each target specified by target, a separate emulation is performed from the beginning of the containing function up to the target address. Emulation will be forced down the branches necessary to reach each target. target can be the address of a function, in which case the target list is populated with all the cross-references to the specified function. Or, target can be an explicit list of targets.

iterateAllPaths(target, targetCallback, preEmuCallback=None, callHook=None, instructionHook=None, hookData=None, resetEmuMem=False, hookApis=True, memAccessHook=None, maxPaths=MAXCODEPATHS, maxNodes=MAXNODESEARCH) - For the function containing the address target, a separate emulation is performed for each discovered path through it, up to maxPaths.

emulateBytes(bytes, registers=None, stack=None, baseAddress=0x400000, instructionHook=None, hookData=None) - Writes the code contained in bytes to emulation memory at baseAddress if possible and emulates the instructions from the beginning to the end of bytes.

emulateFrom(startAddr, registers=None, stack=None, instructionHook=None, callHook=None, memAccessHook=None, hookData=None, skipCalls=True, hookApis=True, strict=True, count=0) - This API is useful in cases where function boundaries are not clearly defined as is often the case with obfuscated binaries or shellcode. You provide a starting address as startAddr, and it will emulate until there is nothing left to emulate or you stop emulation in one of your hooks. This can be called with the strict parameter set to False to enable dynamic code discovery; flare-emu will have IDA Pro make instructions as they are encountered during emulation.

Utility Functions

The following is an incomplete list of some of the useful utility functions provided by the EmuHelper class.

Learn More

To learn more about flare-emu, please read our introductory blog at https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2018/12/automating-objective-c-code-analysis-with-emulation.html.