


A C# tool to dump all sorts of goodies from AD FS.

Created by Doug Bienstock (@doughsec) while at Mandiant FireEye.

This tool is designed to be run in conjunction with ADFSpoof. ADFSdump will output all of the information needed in order to generate security tokens using ADFSpoof.

Detailed Description

ADFSDump is a tool that will read information from Active Directory and from the AD FS Configuration Database that is needed to generate forged security tokens. This information can then be fed into ADFSpoof to generate those tokens.


What this tool will do


Compilation Instructions

A compiled version will not be released. You'll have to compile it yourself!

ADFSDump was built against .NET 4.5 with Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition. Simply open up the project .sln, choose "Release", and build.

Targeting Other .NET Versions

ADFSDump's default build configuration is for .NET 4.5, which will fail on systems without that version installed. To target ADFSDump for .NET 4 or 3.5, open the .sln solution, go to Project -> ADFSDump Properties and change the "Target framework" to another version.

Note that AD FS requires .NET framework 4.5, so I'm not sure why you need to use a different version anyway :wink: