


Quick and dirty debugging output for Elixir programmers

Inspired from similar project for python

There is also a golang version here


The package can be installed by adding qq to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:qq, "~> 0.1.1"}]

Documentation is available on HexDocs.

(Possibly) FAQ

Since no one knows about this yet, no one asking questions (yet) ;)

Why Q.q?

It's quick to type and unlikely to cause naming collisions.

Why name the hex package qq?

I started as just q, but when publishing, I got an error that the hex package must have at least two letters. At first I used qdbg, but then switched to qq

Why another logger ?

If you haven't read about the original python project that inspired this package, please do.

TL;DR : Setting up Logger is tedious, sometimes you just want to see the values while debugging. Q.q is already "set" for you. Add Q.q statements to your code, and run.

Now go watch the output in $TMPDIR/q If your log has JSON, then it is pretty printed for better readability.


I came across this idea via y0assar1an's golang implementation, which points to zestyping's original package for python.

Needless to say, first I thank zestyping for the original idea.

I thank Jose Valim for creating elixir lang :)

I thank Jeffery Baird for his post on how to create hex package.