

Framer module that allows to get json objects when querying with Spotify API insert module writing code in framer app

spotify = require "spotify"

you can search for specific artist or song using this function

#for example
spotify.searchAlbums("dj khaled)

after query is done, you can get this object from module


which will give u json of all found albums

for example you can get url of specific album cover image

print spotify.albums.items[0].images[0].url

in order to find track for specific albums, you can run function

#as result u can get tracks json object

you can get more info on specific track from album just grabbing parts of json

print tracks[0].artists[0].name, tracks[0].name, tracks[0].preview_url

basic framer sample http://share.framerjs.com/fl0ajjn4tyt4/

advanced sample - spotify player on android

spotify framer player


with two objects spotify.tracks and spotify.albums - you will get big json objects wich you can use for other cases also more info on spotify web api - https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/