SQL Authenticator
An authenticator that stores credentials in the Quetz SQL database using passlib. It ships with REST routes for CRUD operations on the credentials table.
Locally after cloning:
pip install -e .
Once uploaded to conda-forge:
mamba install -c conda-forge quetz-sql-authenticator
The authenticator should be active now. You can login by navigating to <HOST>/auth/sql/login
CRUD operations
The authenticator provides REST routes to create, update, and delete credentials and to reset the entire table.
GET /api/sqlauth/credentials/
: List all users.
GET /api/sqlauth/credentials/{username}
: Verify that a user exists.
POST /api/sqlauth/credentials/{username}?password={password}
: Create a new user.
PUT /api/sqlauth/credentials/{username}?password={password}
: Update a user's password.
DELETE /api/sqlauth/credentials/{username}
: Delete a user.