


Send the old sh*tty browsers away from your website as simple as a Gooz


You can install it from NPM:

npm install --save gooz

Or grab build/bundle.js and load it in your page. The Gooz class is now loaded as Gooz in the global scope (window.Gooz).

<script src="bundle.js"></script>
// Gooz is ready here! xD


// 1
const gooz = new Gooz({redirect: true}); // if it's gooz, it will redirect to 'http://outdatedbrowser.com'

// 2
const gooz = new Gooz(); // or using var instead of const
gooz.isGooz(); // true or false

// 3
const options = {
  features: ['SVGElement', 'localStorage'], // passing window global object you want to check
  globalObject: window, // global object (window)
  redirect: true, // auto redirect on class instance creation
  timeout: 7000, // redirect timeout (ms)
  uri: 'http://outdatedbrowser.com' // redirect uri
const gooz = new Gooz(options); // auto redirect if gooz and nothing if not

// 4
const gooz = new Gooz();
gooz.goozate(); // redirect if it's gooz

// 5
const gooz = new Gooz();
  timeout: 1500,
  uri: 'http://mozilla.org/firefox'

Ideas || Issues

Just fill an issue and describe it. I'll check it ASAP!


You can fork the repository, improve or fix some part of it and then send the pull requests back if you want to see them here. I really appreciate that. :heart:

Pleas run grunt before sending PRs to run grunt tasks, lint your code and build it.