

MSDF font library for LibGDX

Provides lightweight utilities to draw MSDF (multi-channel signed distance field) text on LibGDX. See LibGDX's Distance field fonts wiki page for more information on single channel SDF font. It also provides integration with scene2d and AssetManager. The library is written in Java but was also designed to be used seemlessly from Kotlin.


MSDFA font files are used to draw text. This format combines both multi channel (MSDF) and single channel (SDF) distance fields. The MSDF is encoded in 3 channels (RGB) and SDF is encoded in the alpha channel. Each distance field has its advantages: MSDF is used to accurately draw glyphs with sharp corners at arbitrarly large sizes and SDF is used for shadow effects to keep round corners.


Gradle dependency

Replace X.Y.Z with the lastest version: Maven Central


You need to add the sources dependency to the html project (project(":html")) inside build.gradle:


You need also to add a inherit to your GdxDefinition.gwt.xml file:

<inherits name="com.maltaisn.msdf-gdx"/>


The shader needs a MsdfFont object to work, which is a simple wrapper around BitmapFont. The MsdfFont can be created from an existing BitmapFont or from a .fnt file. You can also use the AssetManager to load one:

// Load the font with the asset manager.
AssetManager manager = new AssetManager();
manager.setLoader(MsdfFont.class, new MsdfFontLoader(new InternalFileHandleResolver()));
manager.load("roboto.fnt", MsdfFont.class);
MsdfFont font = manager.get("roboto.png");

// Add the font to a skin.
Skin skin = new Skin();
skin.add("roboto", font);

When creating a font, the glyph size and the distance range must be specified. When using the MsdfFontLoader, this can either be specified directly in the .fnt file or with a MsdfFontParameter loader parameter.


Font styles can be created by code:

FontStyle fontStyle = new FontStyle()

Or in a skin file:

com.maltaisn.msdfgdx.FontStyle: {
    titleFontStyle: {
        fontName: roboto
        color: { hex: #ffffff }
        size: 48

Here's the list of options in a font style:


A subclass of Label used to render MSDF text in scene2d. The label is constructed using a skin instance and a font style. The skin must contain the shader under the "default" name and the MsdfFont.

Skin skin = new Skin();
skin.add("default", new MsdfShader());
skin.add("roboto", new MsdfFont(Gdx.files.internal("roboto.fnt"), 32f, 5f));

FontStyle fontStyle = new FontStyle()
MsdfLabel label = new MsdfLabel("My text", skin, fontStyle);

Label is the only widget provided by the library. You can make your own MsdfTextField implementation by applying the code below for drawing text. However, Label is the only LibGDX widget to provide a setFontScale, so other widgets may not be able to draw MSDF text by subclassing. (see this issue)

Drawing text

You can also draw text without using MsdfLabel:

MsdfShader shader = skin.get(MsdfShader.class);
MsdfFont font = skin.get("roboto", MsdfFont.class);
BitmapFont bmfont = font.getFont();

bmfont.getData().setScale(fontStyle.getSize() / font.getGlyphSize());
shader.updateForFont(font, fontStyle);
bmfont.draw(batch, "My text", 100f, 100f);

Generating fonts

Here are your options:


See changelog.



Don't hesitate to open a pull request if you feel like something needs an improvement. Just be sure to follow existing code style.
