


<a href="https://appwrite.io/" target="_blank" style="position: fixed;right: 18px;bottom: 18px;z-index: 999;"> <img style="width: 160px;" src="https://appwrite.io/images-ee/press/badge-pink-button.svg" alt="Built with Appwrite"> </a>

Golang demo using appwrite. This is a guide about how to use appwrite rest api for database resource with golang.


First, you need to run appwrite. I recommend to you to follow the official appwrite guide in the getting start section. Its a shortcut ussing docker:

docker run -it --rm \
    --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    --volume "$(pwd)"/appwrite:/usr/src/code/appwrite:rw \
    --entrypoint="install" \

How to

run the script

/bin/sh run.sh

What i need to modify?

You need to to modify env vars set in run.sh using your own

How it works ?

It project use the appwrite provided apis. Fow now, only database endpoint are implement in this project. <br>



Is required to set payload for create collection in the format below

  "data": {
    "key": "value3"

The data key is mandatory. key is the registered key in Collection.CollectionCreateInputRule. <br> If you modify the value of key, modify it in the create collection payload too. <br>


inputRule := Collection.CollectionCreateInputRule{
  Label:    "label",
  Key:      "myKey",
  Type:     "text",
  Default:  "no set",
  Required: false,
	Array:    false,

  "data": {
    "myKey": "value4"

The value of Label is for web interface