A documentation of the most common Manim functionalities such as classes and methods.
If you have completed the tutorial, then congrates. This will be a guide for you if you ever forget some of the animations, methods, etc.
If you want to check out the tutorial, visit this link
This guide will show you the most common methods, classes, etc and as well as the arguments you should pass through.
The guide gives a description on the functionalities and how to pass parameters.
Table of Content
- Running Args
- Creations
- Animations
- Indication
- Movement
- Rotation
- Transformations
- Continuous Animations
Running Args
- -r hxw This defines pixel resolution you want the video to be. More the resolution, more the time it will take to make the video.
- -p This tell Manim to show the result of the video after making it.
- -l It is a predefined resolution. It is mainly used when making a new video, because it takes the least time to render.
- -m A predefined resolution that looks good, and takes a considerable amount of time to make videos.
- ShowPartial
- ShowCreation
* Uncreate(Mobject, Mobject, ...)
Description: Removes mobject from screen while animating. Takes multiple mobjects as parameters.
- DrawBordersThenFill
Description: Writes the text from left to right. Takes only one TextMobject as parameter.
- FadeOut(mobject)
- FadeIn(mobject)
- FadeInAndShiftFromDirection
- FadeInFrom
- FadeInFromDown
- FadeOutAndShift
- FadeOutAndShiftDown
- VFadeIn(VGroup)
- VFadeOut(VGroup)
- GrowFromPoint
- GrowFromCenter
- GrowFromEdge
- SpinInFromNothing
- ShrinkToCenter
- FocusOn
- Indicate
- CircleIndicate
- ShowPassingFlash
- ShowCreationThenDestruction
- ApplyWave
- WiggleOutThenIn
- Vibrate
- TurnInsideOut
- MoveAlongPath(GraphFunction)
- Rotate
- Transform
- ReplacementTransform
- TransformFromCopy
- ClockwiseTransform
- CounterclockwiseTransform
- MoveToTarget
- ApplyMethod
- FadeToColor
Continuous Animations:
- ContinualRotation
- ContinualMovement
- VGroup(Mobject, Mobject, ...)