


Issuebot is an XMPP bot that notifies multi-user chat rooms (MUCs) of changes to Issues on a GitHub-Project.

It uses the GitHub API to get issue details for the repositories it monitors.


This code is licensed under the GPLv3. See LICENSE.txt for details. Portions of this code are based on Code by Jack Moffitt jack@metajack.im from the CommitBot-Project, (c) 2008.


Note that on Ubuntu/Debian systems Twisted is split into various pieces. You will want:

in addition to the normal Twisted package.


Copy issuebot.tac.example to issuebot.tac changing the configuration parameters at the top to something appropriate. Then launch it with twistd.

twistd -y issuebot.tac

If everything worked fine, a new user should have joined your MUC.


If you want a high update frequency or monitor a high number of repositories, please consider adding an OAuth key to increase your API limit from 60 / hour to 5000 / hour. Set the token into the respective variable in the tac-file.

Instructions on how to obtain such a token can be found on the GitHub developer site (look for the section on OAuth and follow the instructions, pasting the generated token into the variable as a String). You can also create such a token in your User settings under Applications => Personal Access tokens. This is entirely optional, but please note that GitHub may be angry if you exceed your Rate Limit, and the bot may crash.