


Simple framework to extract "actionable" data from Android malware (C&Cs, phone numbers etc.)


You have to install the following packets before you start using this project:


Idea is really simple and modular. The project has couple of directories, which host a place for you static analysis or output processing:

If you want to contribute, write a plugin that decodes some new malware family. It's easy, just look at the existing plugins.


So, you have an APK sample and you don't know what it is and where is the C&C? Type:

python maldrolyzer.py [sample_path]

If maldrolyzer knows the malware family it will display some useful information like:

{'c2': ['http://esaphapss.net/bn/save_message.php'],
 'malware': 'xbot007',
 'md5': 'ce17e4b04536deac4672b98fbee905e0',
 'sha1': 'a48a2b8a5e1cae168ea42bd271f5b5a0c65f59a9',
 'sha256': 'c3a24d1df11baf2614d7b934afba897ce282f961e2988ac7fa85e270e3b3ea7d',
 'sha512': 'a47f3db765bff9a8d794031632a3cf98bffb3e833f90639b18be7e4642845da2ee106a8947338b9244f50b918a32f1a6a952bb18a1f86f8c176e81c2cb4862b9'}

And you can track the C&Cs from several malware families using http://amtrckr.info