

MakerDAO VulcanizeDB Transformers

Build Status

Table of Contents

  1. Background
  2. Install
  3. Usage
  4. Contributing
  5. License


This repository is a collection of transformers to be used along with VDB as a plugin to fetch, transform and persist log events and storage slots of specified MCD contracts.


Docker Setup

A full VDB environment requires several concurrent processes to read and transform raw data. The vdb-transformer-utilities repository provides a docker-compose setup to manage the multiple containerized processes for you. Please see the README for setup instructions.

Manual Setup


Updating VulcanizeDB

Updating to a new version requires updating the dependency in go.mod and updating the vulcanizedb schema copy for testing, to keep them in sync. The simplest thing to do is run the make update_vulcanize BRANCH=<branch name> task which will handle both.

Getting the project

Download the transformer codebase to your local GOPATH via: go get github.com/makerdao/vdb-mcd-transformers



This repository is a plugin for VulcanizeDB. As such, it cannot be run as a standalone executable, but instead is intended to be included as part of a VulcanizeDB core command. There are two VulcanizeDB core commands that are required for events and storage slots to be transformed and persisted to the Postgres database:

  1. headerSync fetches raw Ethereum data and syncs it into VulcanizeDB's Postgres database where then it can be used for transformations. More information about the headerSync command can be found in the VulcanizeDB repository.

  2. execute uses the raw Ethereum data that has been synced into Postgres and applies transformations to configured MCD contract data via event and storage transformers. The VulcanizeDB repository includes more information on transformers.

The core commands can also be run via images or built and run via the command line interface. In either method, a postgres database will first need to be created:

  1. Install Postgres
    1. Create a user for yourself that is able run migrations and add extensions.
  2. createdb vulcanize_public
  3. Migrate the database using the make migrate task in this repository.


This project contains one executable, backfillUrns. This command enables you to get storage data for Urns by performing lookups at blocks where we detected events indicating an Urn state change. To run it, you first need to go build. After that, you can run something like ./vdb-mcd-transformers backfillUrns --starting-block 10000000 - which would backfill Urn storage since block 10,000,000 through the head of the chain. Note that, as with other commands, executing this requires either a config file or env vars to specify the database and ethereum node connection.

Running With Docker

Database Initialization

NOTE The database must be migrated once before running the headerSync command, otherwise the database will not be able to properly create its schema. Assuming you are not using the docker-compose setup above you can migrate the database once using:

docker run -e DATABASE_USER=<user> -e DATABASE_PASSWORD=<pw> -e DATABASE_HOSTNAME=<host> -e DATABASE_PORT=<port> -e DATABASE_NAME=<name> -e CLIENT_IPCPATH=<path> makerdao/vdb-mcd-execute:latest ./run_migrations.sh

Running headerSync

headerSync Docker images are located in the MakerDao Dockerhub organization.

Start headerSync:

docker run -e DATABASE_USER=<user> -e DATABASE_PASSWORD=<pw> -e DATABASE_HOSTNAME=<host> -e DATABASE_PORT=<port> -e DATABASE_NAME=<name> -e STARTING_BLOCK_NUMBER=<starting block number> -e CLIENT_IPCPATH=<path> makerdao/vdb-headersync:latest

Running execute

execute Docker images are located in the MakerDao Dockerhub organization. See the Docker README for further information.

With the CLI

  1. Move to the project directory: cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/makerdao/vulcanizedb

  2. Be sure you have enabled Go Modules (export GO111MODULE=on), and build the executable with: make build

Running headerSync

./vulcanizedb headerSync --config <config.toml> --starting-block-number <block-number>

For more information, see the VulcanizeDB data-syncing documentation.

Running execute

Instead of running execute, you will also need to compose the transformer initializer plugin prior to execution. (This command builds and links configured transformers). This step is not explicitly required when using Docker because it is included in the vdb-execute container.

There is a convenience command called composeAndExecute in vulcanizedb which encapsulates both composing the plugin, and then executing it.

./vulcanizedb composeAndExecute --config=$GOPATH/makerdao/vdb-mcd-transformers/environments/mcdTransformers.toml \
    DATABASE_NAME=vulcanize_public \
    DATABASE_PASSWORD=vulcanize \
    DATABASE_HOST=localhost \
    DATABASE_PORT=5432 \


Exposing the data

Postgraphile is used to expose GraphQL endpoints for our database schemas. Please see the more detailed documentation here.

Running tests


Contributions are welcome!

VulcanizeDB follows the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.

For more information on contributing, please see here.


AGPL-3.0 © Vulcanize Inc