

<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.github.com/makepanic/globe/master/res/others/logo-big.png" alt="globe"/> </p>

JavaScript application to search and view details for Tor relays and bridges. All the data comes from the Tor onionoo API. Uses Ember.js as JavaScript framework. Inspired by the official Tor Atlas.

Tor Onionoo Search is not affiliated with the Tor project. "Tor" and the "Onion Logo" are registered trademarks of The Tor Project, Inc.

##Use the application Build Status

To use a hosted version of Globe, click here to open http://globe.rndm.de. If you want to build your own version take a look at the grunt targets section.

If you can't or don't want to build the application on your own, you could download the latest archived relase from the release page.



Globe is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license

Ember.jsMIT License
PureYahoo! Inc. BSD license
Font Awesome - FontSIL OFL 1.1
Font Awesome - SASS filesMIT License
HandlebarsMIT License
dygraphsMIT License
momentMIT License
jQueryMIT License
qTip2MIT License
DataTablesMIT license @
jquery deparamnone mentioned
jsSHABSD license


Globe is tested and build with nodejs (0.10.x). For an easy overview on how to install node on your distribution look at Installing Node.js via package manager.

In addition to that, globe can be built in a virtual machine that is managed using Vagrant. To make it easier for you, we provide a Vagrantfile that builds an ubuntu (12.04) virtual machine with everything necessary for developing and building globe. If you have vagrant installed run vagrant up and wait until everything is ready.

Connect to your running virtual machine via vagrant ssh. Using the shared folder (cd /vagrant/) you can continue building globe using the following commands.


  1. npm install (not necessary in the vagrant machine)
  2. grunt
  3. node app.js


  1. First you need all the npm dependencies. Run npm install.

  2. Now you're ready to build the application and start the server. Call grunt and wait for it to complete the build process. Grunt precompiles the handlebars templates, combines all the different JavaScript and CSS files and minifies them. This can take a while depending on your computer.

  3. If it's done start the server using node app.js. This will start a simple express.js server that handles the requests.

If you only want to get the required html, JavaScript and CSS files see the Standalone grunt target below.

###grunt targets

#####Development target - grunt dev

#####Standalone target - grunt standalone

#####Standalone target with archive - grunt standalone-archive

#####Continuous integration target - grunt ci

#####Default target - grunt