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Asynchronous router for Storeon.

It size is ~1kB (minified and gzipped) and uses Size Limit to control size.


The key features are:

This router is implementation of idea of state first routing, which at first place reflects the navigation within the state, and reflection within the UI stay on application side. Also this library is decoupled from browser history. Examples of integration with browser history or UI code you can find in recipes.


npm i storeon-async-router --save



import { createStoreon } from "storeon";
import { routingModule, onNavigate, navigate } from "storeon-async-router";

// create store with adding route module
const store = createStoreon([routingModule]);

// handle data flow events
store.on("dataLoaded", (state, data) => ({ data }));

// repaint state
store.on("@changed", state => {
  document.querySelector(".out").innerHTML = state.routing.next
    ? `Loading ${state.routing.next.url}`
    : JSON.stringify(state.data);

// register some route handle
onNavigate(store, "/home/(?<page>.*)", async (navigation, signal) => {
  // preload data
  const homePageData = await fetch(`${navigation.params.page}.json`, {
  }).then(response => response.json());
  // dispatch data to store
  store.dispatch("dataLoaded", homePageData);

// map anchors href to navigation event
document.querySelectorAll("a").forEach((anchor, no) =>
  anchor.addEventListener("click", e => {
    navigate(store, anchor.getAttribute("href"));

Edit storeon-async-router-simple-sample

Or visit working demo and try to run with Redux development tools, and
try to fast click with http throttling, to see the navigation cancellation.




Redirection of navigation from one route handler to another route.

// example of redirection from page to page
// the last registered route handle have a bigger priority then previous one
onNavigate(store, "/home/1", () => navigate(store, '/home/2'));

Edit storeon-async-router-redirection-sample

"Otherwise" Redirection

The very special case is "otherwise" route, such route is covers all uncovered routes and handler of such route should simply redirect navigation to well known route. Please remember also that "otherwise" route should be registered as a very first, as in [storeon-async-router] the highest priority has last registered routes.

// example of "otherwise" redirection
// so for any unhandled route, we will redirect to '/404' route
onNavigate(store, "", () => navigate(store, '/404'));

Async route handle

Preloading the data

For case when before of navigation we want to preload some data, we can use async route handle and postpone the navigation. We can use abort signal for aborting the ongoing fetch.

// register async route handle 
onNavigate(store, "/home/(?<page>.*)", async (navigation, signal) => {
  // retrieve the data from server, 
  // we are able to use our abort signal for fetch cancellation
  // please notice that on cancel, fetch will throw AbortError
  // which will stop the flow but this error will be handled on router level  
  const homePageData = await fetch(`${navigation.params.page}.json`, {
  }).then(response => response.json());
  // dispatch data to store
  store.dispatch("dataLoaded", homePageData);

Edit storeon-async-router-simple-sample

Please notice that used in example RegExp named capture groups (like /home/(?<page>.*)) are part of ES2018 standard, and this syntax is not supported yet on all browsers. As a alternative you can refer the parameters by the order no, so instead of navigation.params.page you can use navigation.params[0].

Lazy loading of submodule

For application code splitting we can simple use es6 import() function. In case when you will want to spilt your by the routes, you can simple do that with async router. What you need to do is just await for import() your lazy module within the route handle. You can additionally extend your routing within the loaded module.

// ./app.js
// example of lazy loading
// register the navigation to admin page, but keeps reference to unregister function
const unRegister = onNavigate(
  async (navigation, abortSignal) => {
    // preload some lazy module
    const adminModule = await import("./adminModule.js");
    // check that navigation was not cancelled
    // as dynamic import is not support cancelation itself like fetch api
    if (!abortSignal.aborted) {
      // unregister app level route handle for that route
      // the lazy module will take by self control over the internal routing
      // init module, here we will register event handlers on storeon in 
      // lazy loaded module
      // navigate once again (with force flag) to trigger the route handle from 
      // lazy loaded module
      navigate(store, navigation.url, true);
// ./adminModule.js
 * Function which is responsible for initialize the lazy loaded module
export function adminModule(store) {
  // registering own routing handler for the route of my module
  onNavigate(store, "/admin", async (navigation, signal) => {
    // preload data
    const adminPageData = await fetch(`admin.json`, {
    }).then(response => response.json());
    // const homePageData = await homePageDataResponse.json();
    // dispatch data to store
    store.dispatch("dataLoaded", adminPageData);

Edit storeon-async-router-lazy-load-sample

Integration with browser history

In order to synchronize the routing state within the store with the browser history (back/forward, location) we can simple connect the store with browser history object by fallowing code:

// returns full url
function getLocationFullUrl() {
  // we are building full url here, but if you care in your app only on 
  // path you can simplify that code, and return just window.location.pathname
  return (
    window.location.pathname +
    (window.location.search ? window.location.search : "") +
    (window.location.hash ? window.location.hash : "")

// on application start navigate to current url
setTimeout(() => {
  navigate(store, getLocationFullUrl(), false, { replace: true });

// connect with back/forwad of browser history
window.addEventListener("popstate", () => {
  navigate(store, getLocationFullUrl());

// connecting store changes to browser history
store.on(NAVIGATE_ENDED_EVENT, async (state, navigation) => {
  // ignore url's from popstate
  if (getLocationFullUrl() !== navigation.url) {
    navigation.options && navigation.options.replace
      ? window.history.replaceState({}, "", navigation.url)
      : window.history.pushState({}, "", navigation.url);

Edit storeon-async-router-browser-history-sample

Please remember that with such solution you should probably also set in your html document head <base href="/"/>

Handling the anchor click events globally

To handle any html anchor click over the page you cansimple create global click handler like that:

// on body level
document.body.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
  // handle anchors click, ignore external, and open in new tab
  if (
    !event.defaultPrevented &&
    event.target.tagName === "A" &&
    event.target.href.indexOf(window.location.origin) === 0 &&
    event.target.target !== "_blank" &&
    event.button === 0 &&
    event.which === 1 &&
    !event.metaKey &&
    !event.ctrlKey &&
    !event.shiftKey &&
  ) {
    const path = event.target.href.slice(window.location.origin.length);
    navigate(store, path);

Edit storeon-async-router-global-anchor-sample

Encapsulate routing to shared router object

If you do not want always to deliver store to utility functions you can simple encapsulate all functionality to single router object.

import createStore from 'storeon';
import { asyncRoutingModule, onNavigate, navigate, cancelNavigation } from 'storeon-async-router';

// create store with adding route module
const store = createStore([asyncRoutingModule]);
// router factory
function routerFactory(store) {
    return {
        get current() {
            return store.get().routing.current;
        navigate: navigate.bind(null, store),
        onNavigate: onNavigate.bind(null, store)
// router instance
const router = routerFactory(store);
// adding handle
router.onNavigate('/home', () => {});
// navigate to url

Edit storeon-async-router-router-object-sample

Internal data flow

  1. user registers the handles by usage of onNavigate (can do this in stereon module, but within the @init callback),

    1.1 for each registered handle we generating unique id,

    1.2 cache the handle under that id, and dispatch route register event with provided route and handle id

  2. on route register we are storing in state provided route and id (at the top of stack)

  3. on navigate event

    3.1. we checking exit conditions (same route, or same route navigation in progres),

    3.2. if there is any ongoing navigation we are dispatch navigation cancel event

    3.3. then we are setting the next navigation in state,

    3.4. asynchronously dispatch before navigation event

  4. on before navigation event

    4.1 we are looking in state for handle id which route matches requested url, by the matched id we are taking the handle from cache,

    4.2. we creates AbortController from which we are taking the AbortSignal,

    4.3. we attach to storeon handle for navigation canceled event to call cancell on AbortController

    4.4. we call handle with details of navigation and abortSignal, if the result of handle call is Promise, we are waits to resolve,

    4.5 we are dispatch navigation end event, and unregister navigation canceled handle

  5. on navigation canceled we are clear the next navigation in state

  6. on navigation end we move next to current ins state