

Android Arsenal The MIT License


Android/Java download manager library help you to download files in parallel mechanism in some chunks.


This library is a download manager android/java library which developers can use in their apps and allow you to download files in parallel mechanism in some chunks and notify developers about tasks status (any download file process is a task). Each download task cross 6 stats in its lifetime.

  1. init
  2. ready
  3. downloading
  4. paused
  5. download finished
  6. end

applications states


In the first stage, you need to include these permissions in your AndroidManifest.xml file

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>

After that, import com.golshadi.downloadManager package in your packages folder. So now everything is ready to start.

Let's get started

One of the important benefits of this lib is that you don't need to initialize object completely before getting any reports.

DownloadManagerPro dm = new DownloadManagerPro(Context);

to get report about tasks you can use these methods that will be introduced later on this doc:

public ReportStructure singleDownloadStatus(int token);
public List<ReportStructure> downloadTasksInSameState(int state);
public List<ReportStructure> lastCompletedDownloads();
public boolean unNotifiedChecked();
public boolean delete(int token, boolean deleteTaskFile);

Attention: in this documentation dm stands for DownloadManagerPro object

Initialize DownloadManagerPro

in order to download with this lib you need to set its basic configurations and give him a listener to poke you about tasks status.

void DownloadManagerPro.init(String saveFilePath, int maxChunk, DownloadManagerListener class)


public class MyActivity extends Activity implements DownloadManagerListener {
    public void methodName() {
        // you can only pass this for context but here i want to show clearly
        DownloadManagerPro dm = new DownloadManagerPro(this.getApplicationContext());
        dm.init("downloadManager/", 12, this);

there are three ways to define your download task, so you can define it any way you want. for example If you didn't set maximum chunks number or sd card folder address it uses your initialized values. these methods return you a task id that you can call to start or pause that task using this token.

int DownloadManagerPro.addTask(String saveName, String url, int chunk, String sdCardFolderAddress, boolean overwrite, boolean priority)

int DownloadManagerPro.addTask(String saveName, String url, String sdCardFolderAddress, boolean overwrite, boolean priority)

int DownloadManagerPro.addTask(String saveName, String url, boolean overwrite, boolean priority)


int taskToken = dm.addTask("save_name", "http://www.site.com/video/ss.mp4", false, false);

this method usage is to start a download task. If download task doesn't get started since this task is in downloading state, it throw you an IOException. When download task start to download this lib notify you with OnDownloadStarted interface

void DownloadManagerPro.startDownload(int token) throws IOException


try {

    } catch (IOException e) {

pause a download tasks that you mention and when that task paused this lib notify you with OnDownloadPaused interface

void DownloadManagerPro.pauseDownload(int token)



StartQueueDownload method create a queue sort on what you want and start download queue tasks with downloadTaskPerTime number simultaneously. If download tasks are running in queue and you try to start it again it throws a QueueDownloadInProgressException exception.

void DownloadManagerPro.StartQueueDownload(int downloadTaskPerTime, int sortType) throws QueueDownloadInProgressException


try {
        dm.startQueueDownload(3, QueueSort.oldestFirst);

    } catch (QueueDownloadInProgressException e) {

this method pauses queue download and if no queue download was started it throws a QueueDownloadNotStartedException exception.

void DownloadManagerPro.pauseQueueDownload()throws QueueDownloadNotStartedException


try {

    } catch (QueueDownloadNotStartedException e){


In this section we are working with reports since we need to get tasks status and some useful information about those status.

It reports task download information in "ReportStructure" style using a token (download task id) and finally returns the statue of that token.

ReportStruct DownloadManagerPro.SingleDownloadStatus(int token)


ReportStructure report = dm.singleDownloadStatus(taskToken);

It's a report method for returning the list of download task in same state that developers want.

List DownloadManagerPro.downloadTasksInSameState(int state)


List<ReportStructure> report = dm.downloadTasksInSameState(TaskState.INIT);

This method returns list of last completed Download tasks in "ReportStructure" style, developers can use it for notifying whether the task is completed or not.

List DownloadManagerPro.lastCompletedTasks()


List<ReportStructure> completedDownloadTasks = dm.lastCompletedTasks();

This method checks all un notified tasks, so in another "lastCompletedDownloads" call ,completed task does not show up again. “lastCompletedDownloads”: Shows the list of latest completed downloads. Calling this method, all of the tasks that were shown in the previous report, will be eliminated from "lastCompletedDownloads"

void DownloadManagerPro.unNotifiedCheck()



this method delete download task

boolean DownloadManagerPro.delete(int token, boolean deleteTaskFile)

*return boolean : if delete is successfully it returns true otherwise false


dm.delete(12, false);

This method closes database connection.

void DownloadManagerPro.disConnectDB()

