


Using Polymer components with Visualforce

Table of Contents

<a name="how-to"></a>Quick Start

To run in your browser two easy steps :

Deploy this package in your org --- > Button

  1. Open this url -> (your-salesforce-instance)/apex/amchart (example : https://na17.salesforce.com/apex/amchart)

  2. Done

     Note  "platform.js" and "polymer.js" are the libraries for Polymer Framework, and Mobile-UI-Elements is a set of Polymer based Web Components that allow accessing data from Salesforce.

##Start using charting component in Visualforce:

  1. Import charting component (installed through unmanaged package) on your page

       <link rel="import" href="/apex/force_ui_amchart"/>
  2. Start using them : Listing some sample charts types

    ##<b>Sample Donut Chart : </b><br/>
     <force-amchart charttype="pielegend" sobject="Opportunity" titlefield="Name" valuefield="Amount"       


 ##<b>Sample Pyramid Chart : </b><br/>
  <force-amchart charttype="pyramid" sobject="Opportunity" titlefield="Name" valuefield="Amount"       


 ##<b>Sample Pie Chart : </b><br/>
  <force-amchart charttype="pyramid" sobject="Opportunity" titlefield="Name" valuefield="Amount"       


##<b>Sample Bar Chart : </b><br/>
 <force-amchart charttype="bar" sobject="Opportunity" titlefield="Name" valuefield="Amount"       


<a name="supported-attributes"></a>Supported Attributes

We have built chart components that support six key attributes

Charttype : (supported) donut, pie, pielengend, bar, bar_rotate, pyramid, barline
sObject : (supported) salesforce standard object
titlefield : Stirng (fieldname) (x-component)
valuefield : String (fieldname) (y-component)
limitResults: Limit the result (integer)
orderby = DESC/ASC

<a name="Sample-Visualforce-Page"></a>Visualforce Page for Pie Chart :

<apex:page showChat="false" showHeader="false" standardStylesheets="false" >
 <script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/polymer/0.3.3/polymer.js"></script> 
 <script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/polymer/0.3.3/platform.js"></script>
 <link rel="import" href="{!URLFOR($Resource.MobileUIElements, 'dist/mobile-ui-elements.html')}"/>
 <link rel="import" href="/apex/force_ui_amchart"/>

 <!-- Using charting component after package installation --> 
 <b>Sample Donut Chart : </b><br/>
 <force-amchart charttype="pielegend" sobject="Opportunity" titlefield="Name" valuefield="Amount" 

###Hang tight for npm and bower package and upcoming components

<a name="related-resources"></a>Related Resources :

  1. How create Polymer Components in miunutes : http://www.oyecode.com/2014/07/google-polymer-create-your-first-custom.html
  2. Design Salesforce UI with drag and drop using Salesforce Polymer Pack for Mobile : Check out embedded video driven by Akhilesh Gupta and Eugiene Oaksman in San Francisco HTML5 meetup at http://www.oyecode.com/2014/07/how-to-use-google-polymer-with.html

Try designer here at https://sfdc-designer.herokuapp.com/ or click image below to check full blown video


  1. Salesforce Mobile UI/ Polymer Package official library - https://github.com/ForceDotComLabs/mobile-ui-elements

  2. What is Polymer : Presentation by Eric Bidelman

  3. What is a Webcomponent : http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/how-to-create-your-own-html-elements-with-web-components--cms-21524

  4. Sharing Polymer Component : http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/sharing-polymer-components-part-2--cms-21497

  5. Interacting with Google Service with nothing but just HTML using Polymer ScreenShot

<a name="team-members"></a>Team Members
