


A javascript sdk for Mailgun built with webpack, babel & es6. This can be used in node or in the browser*.

NOTE: If used in the browser, a proxy is required to communicate with the Mailgun api due to cors limitations. Also, do not publish your private api key in frontend code.

Table of Contents


Mailgun API Documentation:


Install mailgun.js with:

npm install mailgun.js

Setup Client

Next, require the module and instantiate a mailgun client by calling new Mailgun(formData) and then using mailgun.client setup the client with basic auth credentials (username: 'api', key: 'key-yourkeyhere').

NOTE: starting from version 3.0 you need to pass FormData (we need this to keep library universal). For node.js you can use form-data library.

IMPORTANT: if you are using EU infrastructure, you need to also pass url: 'https://api.eu.mailgun.net' together with auth credentials as stated in Mailgun docs


Once the package is installed, you can import the library using import or require approach:

  const formData = require('form-data');
  const Mailgun = require('mailgun.js');
  const mailgun = new Mailgun(formData);
  const mg = mailgun.client({username: 'api', key: process.env.MAILGUN_API_KEY || 'key-yourkeyhere'});
  import FormData from 'form-data';
  import Mailgun from 'mailgun.js';
  const mailgun = new Mailgun(FormData);
  const mg = mailgun.client({username: 'api', key: process.env.MAILGUN_API_KEY || 'key-yourkeyhere'});

Using Subaccounts

Primary accounts can make API calls on behalf of their subaccounts. API documentation

  import FormData from 'form-data';
  import Mailgun from 'mailgun.js';
  const mailgun = new Mailgun(FormData);
  const mg = mailgun.client({username: 'api', key: process.env.MAILGUN_API_KEY || 'key-yourkeyhere'});
  // then, if you need to reset it back to the primary account:

Proxy configuration

By leveraging client configuration options, users can effortlessly establish proxy connections that align with their network requirements. Ex:

  import FormData from 'form-data';
  import Mailgun from 'mailgun.js';
  const mailgun = new Mailgun(FormData);

  const mg = mailgun.client({
    username: 'api',
    key: process.env.MAILGUN_API_KEY || 'key-yourkeyhere',
    proxy: {
      protocol: 'https' // 'http' ,
      host: '', // use your proxy host here
      port: 9000, // use your proxy port here
      auth: { // may be omitted if proxy doesn't require authentication
        username: 'user_name', // provide username
        password: 'user_password' // provide password

Types imports

Starting from version 9.0.0. Types can be includes as named import:

 import Mailgun, { MailgunClientOptions, MessagesSendResult } from 'mailgun.js';

Interfaces and Enums imports

Starting from version 9.0.0. Interfaces and Enums can be imported in the next way:

  import Mailgun, { Interfaces, Enums } from 'mailgun.js';
  const mailgunClient: Interfaces.IMailgunClient = mailgun.client(clientOptions);
  const yes = Enums.YesNo.YES;

Generated docs

The list of all available Types, Interfaces and Enums is auto-generated and located in the docs folder.


The following service methods are available to instantiated clients. The examples assume you have already created a mailgun client as mg with valid credentials.

Method naming conventions:



Mailgun’s templates uses a fork of the very popular template engine handlebars.

To provide values for a substitution you need to use 'h:X-Mailgun-Variables' property in the message description.

Make sure that this property is a JSON string like:

  "title": "A title",
  "body": "The body"

You can find few examples of how to use templates below.

Recipient Variables


Recipient Variables are custom variables that you define, which you can then reference in the message body. They give you the ability to send a custom message to each recipient while still using a single API Call.

const mailgunData = {
    from: 'Example.com Mailer <mailer@mailer.example.com>',
    to: ['me@example.com', 'you@example.com'],
    subject: 'Recipient - %recipient.title%',
    html: 'Here\'s %recipient.title% and <a href="%recipient.link%">link</a>',
    'recipient-variables': JSON.stringify({
      'me@example.com': {
        title: 'Me',
        link: 'href-var',
      'you@example.com': {
        title: 'You',
        link: 'slug-recipient-var-c',

  try {
    const response = await mailgun.messages.create(DOMAIN_NAME, mailgunData);








Multiple validation


Mailing lists

A client to manage mailing lists.

Mailing list members

A client to manage members within a specific mailing list.


A client to manage subaccounts.

Navigation thru lists

Most of the methods that return items in a list support pagination. There are two ways to receive part of the list:

  1. Provide properties 'limit' and 'page' in the query. This way uses more frequently in the SDK and works for the next methods:

Browser Demo


For this demo to work, you'll need to install and run http-proxy locally. Install it with:

npm install -g http-proxy

Then run the following command from the mailgun-js directory:

http-server -p 4001 --proxy="https://api.mailgun.net"

Demo should be up and running at



Install node dependencies with:

npm install


Build for dev purposes(without minimizing)

npm run build

Build for release purposes(include minimizing)

npm run build:release

Merging changes

Before PR merge check that commits info will be correctly added to the CHANGELOG.md file: 'npm run release -- --dry-run'

CI process isn't working currently, so please manually run npm run test


npm run tests

Watch tests with

npm run watch-tests

To test new functionality locally using npm link please use npm script npm run link. This is needed for correct exporting d.ts files.

Release Process

Releases occur after feature branches have been tested and merged into master.

First, checkout master and pull the latest commits.

git checkout master
git pull

Next, run npm run release.

After that, cd ./dist and then run npm login and npm publish to publish changes on npm.