


A Clojure library that defines literals for java.time classes.

It does this by registering edn tags for reading, and adding handlers for clojure.core/print-method and clojure.core/print-dup.


Add [java-time-literals "2018-04-06"] to :dependencies in your project.clj.


Require the library and start using literals:

(require 'java-time-literals.core)

#time/dur "PT15M" ;; Duration
#time/inst "2007-12-03T10:15:30.00Z" ;; Instant
#time/ld "2007-12-03" ;; LocalDate
#time/ldt "2007-12-03T10:15:30" ;; LocalDateTime
#time/lt "10:15:30" ;; LocalTime
#time/md "--12-03" ;; MonthDay
#time/odt "2007-12-03T10:15:30+01:00" ;; OffsetDateTime
#time/ot "10:15:30+01:00" ;; OffsetTime
#time/period "P3M" ;; Period
#time/y "2007" ;; Year
#time/ym "2007-12" ;; YearMonth
#time/zdt "2007-12-03T10:15:30+01:00[Europe/Paris]" ;; ZonedDateTime
#time/zid "Europe/Paris" ;; ZoneId
#time/zoffset "+02:00" ;; ZoneOffset

You'll notice that most of these are quite short. The idea is that you're using literals to keep things terse. Readability comes as much from the format string as the tag name.

Require vs injection

If you want to use these literals in your tests, but don't have a natural main function or entry point to hold the require, you might find yourself requiring the namespace again and again. Instead, you can add an injection to your project.clj:

:injections [(require 'java-time-literals.core)]


Enum tags are represented with keywords.

;; ChronoUnit

#time/unit :centuries
#time/unit :days
#time/unit :decades
#time/unit :eras
#time/unit :forever
#time/unit :half-days
#time/unit :hours
#time/unit :micros
#time/unit :millennia
#time/unit :millis
#time/unit :minutes
#time/unit :months
#time/unit :nanos
#time/unit :seconds
#time/unit :weeks
#time/unit :years

;; ChronoField

#time/field :aligned-day-of-week-in-month
#time/field :aligned-day-of-week-in-year
#time/field :aligned-week-of-month
#time/field :aligned-week-of-year
#time/field :ampm-of-day
#time/field :clock-hour-of-ampm
#time/field :clock-hour-of-day
#time/field :day-of-month
#time/field :day-of-week
#time/field :day-of-year
#time/field :epoch-day
#time/field :era
#time/field :hour-of-ampm
#time/field :hour-of-day
#time/field :instant-seconds
#time/field :micro-of-day
#time/field :micro-of-second
#time/field :milli-of-day
#time/field :milli-of-second
#time/field :minute-of-day
#time/field :minute-of-hour
#time/field :month-of-year
#time/field :nano-of-day
#time/field :nano-of-second
#time/field :offset-seconds
#time/field :proleptic-month
#time/field :second-of-day
#time/field :second-of-minute
#time/field :year
#time/field :year-of-era

;; Month

#time/month :january
#time/month :february
#time/month :march
#time/month :april
#time/month :may
#time/month :june
#time/month :july
#time/month :august
#time/month :september
#time/month :october
#time/month :november
#time/month :december

;; DayOfWeek

#time/day :monday
#time/day :tuesday
#time/day :wednesday
#time/day :thursday
#time/day :friday
#time/day :saturday
#time/day :sunday


Copyright © (iterate inc 2018) Magnar Sveen

BSD-3-Clause, see LICENSE