


Code Monkey is a Magento 2 developers tool to type less and do more :) .

With code monkey you can quickly:


composer require msp/codemonkey


Create CRUD

Quick and dirty:

php bin/magento msp:cm:crud My_Module Myentity mydatabasetable

In the previous example, CodeMonkey will read My_Module configuration and mydatabasetable table from your DB and will create model triads, interfaces and di.xml entries according to your configuration.

Getters and setters will be automatically provided in your Model files depending on your table columns configuration.

Create CQRS for DDD approach

Quick and dirty:

php bin/magento msp:cm:ddd-cqrs My_Module My_ModuleApi Myentity mydatabasetable

In the previous example, CodeMonkey will read My_Module configuration and mydatabasetable table from your DB and will create model triads, interfaces and di.xml entries according to your configuration.

Getters and setters will be automatically provided in your Model files depending on your table columns configuration.

See Magento 2 MSI project for this approach.