


Magento default mysql settings

default/startup settings for mysql database.<br/> please read this before changing anything!

  1. max_connections<br/> How many connections to allow. Watch max_used_connections value

  2. thread_cache<br/> Cache to prevent excessive thread creation<br/> 50-100 is good value. Watch threads_created<br/>

  3. table_cache/table_open_cache<br/> Cache of opened table instances<br/> Single table may have multiple entries<br/> Watch opened_tables status value<br/> Start with 4096<br/>

  4. open_files_limit<br/> MyISAM tables require up to 2 file handlers<br/> Each connection is file handler too<br/> Safe to set to 65535 in most systems<br/>

  5. table_definition_cache<br/> Cache table definitions (CREATE TABLE)<br/> Only one entry per table<br/> Watch Opened_table_definitions<br/> Set to number of tables + 10% unless 50K+ tables<br/>

  6. back_log<br/> Need adjustment if many connections/sec<br/> 2048 is reasonable value<br/>

  7. max_allowed_packet<br/> Limits maximum size of query<br/> Limits internal string variable size<br/> 16MB is a good value<br/>

  8. max_connect_errors<br/> Prevent password brute force attack<br/> Can cause "Host Blocked" error messages<br/> Value around 1000000 is good<br/>

  9. skip_name_resolve<br/> Avoid DNS lookup on connection. Faster and Safer<br/> Do not use host names in GRANTs<br/>

  10. old_passwords<br/> Should NOT be enabled. Will cause insecure password hash to be used.<br/>

  11. log_bin<br/> Enable for replication and point in time recovery<br/> Set to mysql-bin to avoid default naming<br/>

  12. sync_binlog<br/> Make Binlog durable. Set to 1 if have RAID with BBU or Flash<br/> Can be really performance killer with slow drives.<br/>

  13. expire_log_days<br/> Purge old binary logs after this number of days<br/> 14 (2 weeks) is a good value with weekly backups<br/>

  14. tmp_table_size<br/>

  15. max_heap_table_size<br/> Typically set to same value (workload based)<br/> Created_tmp_disk_tables status variable<br/> Beware BLOB/TEXT fields cause on disk table with any size.<br/>

  16. query_cache_size<br/> Enable query cache only if it is tested to provide significant gains<br/> Often causes stalls and contention<br/> Do not set over 512M<br/>

  17. sort_buffer_size<br/> In memory buffer used for sorting<br/> Watch sort_merge_passes<br/> Consider setting for session for large queries<br/> Values up to 1MB are good default<br/> Large values hurt performance of small queries<br/>

  18. join_buffer_size<br/> Helps performance of Joins with no indexes<br/> Better get rid of such Joins<br/> 8MB can be reasonable value<br/>

  19. default_storage_engine<br/> Use Innodb engine for tables if not specified<br/>

  20. read_rnd_buffer_size<br/> Buffer for reading rows in sorted offer<br/> Specifies Maximum Value<br/> Values around 16MB often make sense<br/> Do not mix with read_buffer_size<br/>

  21. Tmpdir<br/> Specify location of temporary directory<br/> Tmpfs often good choice unless very large temporary space is needed.<br/> tmpdir=/dev/shm<br/>

  22. key_buffer_size<br/> Cache MyISAM Indexes.<br/> Does Not cache data.<br/> Up to 30% of memory if using MyISAM only<br/>

  23. myisam_recover<br/> Automatically repair corrupted MyISAM tables after crash. BACKUP,FORCE is a good value.<br/>

  24. myisam_sort_buffer_size<br/> Buffer used for building MyISAM indexes by Sort. 8MB-256MB are good values<br/>

  25. low_priority_updates<br/> Allow higher concurrency for SELECTs<br/> May starve update queries<br/>

  26. bulk_insert_buffer_size<br/> Buffer to optimize Bulk Inserts<br/> Values of 1/4 of key_buffer_size make sense<br/> Note it is per connection value<br/>

  27. innodb_buffer_pool_size<br/> The most important setting. Often 80%+ of memory is allocated here.<br/>

  28. innodb_buffer_pool_instances<br/> Reduce contention. Set to 4+ in MySQL 5.5+<br/>

  29. innodb_log_buffer_size<br/> Buffer for log files. Good Values 4MB-128MB<br/> Not only reduce writes but help contention<br/>

  30. innodb_ibuf_max_size<br/> Control size of Insert buffer. Default is 1/2 of Buffer pool. Smaller values are good for SSD<br/>

  31. innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit<br/> Control Durability<br/> 1=flush and sync; 2=flush; 0=neither<br/>

  32. Innodb_flush_method<br/> Controls how Innodb Performs IO<br/> O_DIRECT good value for most servers<br/>

  33. innodb_auto_lru_dump<br/> Percona Server Feature to warmup quickly<br/> 300 (seconds) is a good value<br/>

  34. innodb_io_capacity<br/> Controls Innodb Assumption about Disk Performance. Increase for faster drives<br/>

  35. innodb_read_io_threads<br/>

  36. innodb_write_io_threads<br/> Control number of threads doing reads and writes<br/> MySQL 5.5 has async IO so very high values might not be needed<br/> 4 is good default. Higher for large IO systems.<br/>

  37. innodb_flush_neighbor_pages<br/> Percona Server feature to control how flushing works<br/> Disable (set to 0) for SSD<br/>

  38. innodb_log_file_size<br/> Size of redo log file. Larger logs better performance but longer recovery.<br/>

  39. innodb_log_files_in_group<br/> Leave at 2 which is default.<br/>

  40. innodb_file_per_table<br/> Store each Innodb table in separate file. Usually Good choice<br/>

  41. innodb=force<br/> Enable so MySQL does not start if Innodb could not initialize.<br/> Otherwise it might start but error on access to all Innodb tables.<br/>

  42. innodb_lock_wait_timeout<br/> How long to wait for row level locks before bailing out<br/>

  43. innodb_old_blocks_time<br/> Helps to make buffer pool scan resistant<br/> Values around 1000 make sense<br/>

  44. innodb_file_format<br/> Which file format Innodb will use<br/> Antelope is default legacy format<br/> Barracuda allows to use new features like compression<br/>

  45. innodb_stats_on_metadata<br/> Update statistics on meta data access<br/> Such as Information_schema queries<br/> Typically best disabled for more workloads Set to 0<br/> Innodb will still refresh stats when table changes significantly<br/>

  46. performance_schema<br/> Enable Performance Schema in MySQL 5.5+<br/> Watch potential overhead.<br/>

  47. log_slow_queries<br/> Enable Slow Query Log. Old but very helpful.<br/>

  48. long_query_time<br/> Especially with long_query_time set to 0 periodically to get sample of the load<br/>

  49. log_slow_verbosity=full<br/> Get a lot more data about queries in Percona Server<br/>

  50. low_warnings=2<br/> Get warnings about disconnects and other minor issues in error log.<br/> More information but it can get spammy<br/>

  51. userstat_running=1<br/> Get advanced Table and Index usage statistics in Percona Server and MariaDB<br/>