

FRAME: <ins>F</ins>ast <ins>R</ins>oofline <ins>A</ins>nalytical <ins>M</ins>odeling and <ins>E</ins>stimation

This is a roofline cost model for DNN accelerators. We support CNNs, MLPs, and Transformers workload.

What it does

FRAME generate a table of layer-wise latency and memory usage information as well as a roofline figure, as shown in the following

img.png img_1.png

How to use it

Interactive Design Space Exploration

You are welcome to play with it by notebook/dnn_accel_playground.ipynb.

We also provide a colab version for quick trial Open In Colab

How to plug into you experiments

Use the analyze_model.

model_df, _ = analyze_model()

model_df contains a layer-by-layer analysis results. The parameters of analyze_modelare described as follows.


Algorithmic Parameters

Basic Parameters

Sparsity-specific Parameters

Attention model -specific Parameter

System Parameters



  author = {Kao, Sheng-Chun and Subramanian, Suvinay and Bambhaniya, Abhimanyu and Krishna, Tushar},
  title = {{FRAME: Fast Roofline Analytical Modeling and Estimation}},
  url = {https://github.com/maestro-project/frame},
  version = {1.0.0},
  year = {2022}