

LaserShark Based 3D Printer Host Software

For more information please see http://macpod.net

Notice: If you are reading this, the software is still pre-alpha. It has been uploaded here for integrators to understand the general json specs and design pattern (which are still likely to change!).

Want to help? Please consider modifying the libjson-rpc-cpp and libusb finders to work with windows. If someone can verify cinemast's libjson-rpc-cpp works ok with windows (or ports it) that would be a high priority as well.

Everything else is still under development and likely to change so it is probably not worth modifying aside from if you want to add a new layer processor based on AbstractLaserSharkLayer

<a href="http://www.macpod.net/stuff/lasershark_3dp/lasershark_3d_printer_overview.png"><img src="http://www.macpod.net/stuff/lasershark_3dp/lasershark_3d_printer_overview.png" width=500px></a>