

Kuchen Computer

Kuchen is an FPGA computer designed by Lone Dynamics Corporation.

Kuchen FPGA Computer

This repo contains PCB layouts, schematics, pinouts, example gateware and documentation.

Find more information on the Kuchen product page.


Building the blinky example requires Yosys, nextpnr-ice40 and IceStorm.

Assuming they are installed, you can simply type make to build the gateware, which will be written to output/blinky.bin. You can then use ldprog to write the gateware to the device over the ISP header, or use the USB DFU bootloader:

$ dfu-util -a 0 -D output/blinky.bin

Exit the bootloader and continue booting:

sudo dfu-util -e -a 0


Zucker is a RISC-V SOC that supports Kuchen.

USB Bootloader

Kuchen supports updating the flash MMOD over its USB-C port with the USB DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) protocol. When Kuchen powers on (or restarts) the USB bootloader waits 5 seconds for a USB command and then continues the boot process, if it receives a command it will wait until the device is detached (with dfu-util -e) or rebooted (with ldprog -r).

Kuchen ships with the DFU bootloader on the MMOD. In order to re-install the USB bootloader you will need to use the ISP header and ldprog. Make sure you have first installed the software required to build the Blinky example above.

git clone https://github.com/machdyne/tinydfu-bootloader
cd tinydfu-bootloader/boards/kuchen
make prog

Now you can program the flash MMOD over USB:

ldprog -r
sudo dfu-util -a 0 -D zucker/output/kuchen/soc.bin
sudo dfu-util -a 1 -D zucker/apps/lix/lix.bin

Exit the bootloader and continue booting:

sudo dfu-util -e -a 0

ISP Header

The ISP header can be used to program the FPGA SRAM as well as the MMOD flash memory.

7 5 3 1
8 6 4 2

Board Revisions

V0Initial production boards
V1Move DQ7 from K14 to J14


The contents of this repo are released under the Lone Dynamics Open License.

Note: You can use these designs for commercial purposes but we ask that instead of producing exact clones, that you either replace our trademarks and logos with your own or add your own next to ours.