

Pinterest Clone - GraphQL, ReactJS, NodeJS, Mysql


This project was made in as a way to practice my GraphQL skills. I also used it to learn how to implement an ORM into my back-end, which in this case I used Sequelize. It replicats the famous column layout that Pinteres uses, and it exemplifies several small features present in the real website. I made a GraphQL API for my backend using Apollo Server, which allowed a wall between the clients and the API. The user can also login with their google account, and all info related to the user is saved in a ClearDB MySQL database. If the user wants to upload a pin, the image (and other details) are inserted to the database and uploaded to Cloudinary as an image storage.

Time Taken:

2 weeks

Technologies Used:

Front End:

The front-end is hosted on Netlify. The front-end repository is: https://github.com/machadop1407/pinterest-clone-frontend

Back End

This repository is for the back-end.



3 Tables:


Apollo Server:


Front End fully developed in ReactJS using the create-react-app boiler plate