


Enumdb is a relational database brute force and post exploitation tool for MySQL and MSSQL. When provided a list of usernames and/or passwords, it will cycle through each host looking for valid credentials. By default, enumdb will use newly discovered credentials to automatically search for sensitive data fields via keyword searches on table or column names. This information can then be extracted and reported to a .csv or .xlsx output file.

Recent Additions:

Number of rows extracted, blacklisted databases & tables, and keywords searches can all be modified at: enumdb/config.py.


Enumdb was designed and tested using Python3 on Debian based Linux systems (kali). However, the tool is also compatible with Python2.7, and on other Linux distributions.

git clone https://github.com/m8r0wn/enumdb
cd enumdb
python3 setup.py install



All Options

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -T MAX_THREADS      Max threads (Default: 10)
  -v                  Verbose output

  -port PORT          Specify non-standard port
  -t {mysql,mssql}    Database type
  target              Target database server(s) [Positional]

  -u USERS            Single username
  -U USERS            Users.txt file
  -p PASSWORDS        Single password
  -P PASSWORDS        Password.txt file

  -c, --columns       Search for key words in column names (Default: table names)
  -r {none,csv,xlsx}  Extract data and create output report

Additional Actions:
  --brute             Brute force only (No DB Enumeration)
  --shell             Launch SQL Shell

Shell Commands

enumdb#> help
edb_databases                    - list all databases
edb_tables [DB]                  - list tables in DB
edb_columns [table].[DB]         - list columns in table
edb_dump [table].[DB] [#rows]    - Get data from table
[SQL Query]                      - Execute raw SQL query


If experiencing issues with MySQLdb, additional MySQL development resources may be required:

sudo apt-get install python3-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev build-essential
sudo yum install python3-devel mysql-devel