

M5Stack Library

Arduino Lint Clang Format

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The M5Stack library provides access to the built-in hardware of the M5Stack Core (including Basic and Gray) controllers.


<span style="font-size: larger">This library is not recommended for new projects, nor for projects using M5Stack products other than Basic and Gray. See M5Unified and M5GFX for libraries that are more up-to-date and with support for many newer M5Stack products.</span>


This library's functionality is available through the M5Stack class, referenced as M5, including:

To use the M5Stack library, #include "M5Stack.h" must appear at the top of your sketch.

The most productive way to become acquainted with the class is through the numerous included examples. Additional documentation within this library:

Additional optional include files:

<img src="https://static-cdn.m5stack.com/resource/docs/products/core/basic/basic_01.webp" alt="basic" width="350" height="350"><img src="https://static-cdn.m5stack.com/resource/docs/products/core/gray/gray_01.webp" alt="gray" width="350" height="350">

Comparison of M5Stack controllers


<img src="docs/M-BUS.jpg" width="300" />

More Information

UIFlow Quick Start: Click Here

MicroPython API: Click Here

Arduino IDE Development: Click Here

Gray PinMap: Click Here

Basic PinMap: v1.0 (EOL) v2.6 (EOL) v2.7**