The PHP-OS is implemented an Operating System written in PHP. This is not an emulator for architectures; for example. i386, x86_64 and so on. This project makes an assembly or image file directly for an operating system.
Moreover, this is very ultra hyper maximum experimental implementation.
- PHP 8.3+
- qemu
- nasm
- make
In currently status, this project only implements Intel x86_64 architecture. But you can try this architecture with using QEMU on aarch (macOS M1, M2).
<p align="center"> <img src="./doc/demo3.png"> </p>Quick Start
- Install PHP-OS via composer.
$ composer require m3m0r7/php-os
- Write an example code as
as following.
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$bootloader = new \PHPOS\OS\Code(
new \PHPOS\Architecture\Architecture(
// Use x86_64 architecture
// Initialize bootloader
// Set 16 bit real mode
// Set bootloader origin
// Print Hello World into BIOS screen
// Add bootloader signature
// Bundle the code into an OS image
$bundler = new \PHPOS\OS\Bundler\Bundler(
new \PHPOS\OS\ConfigureOption(
__DIR__ . '/dist',
// Distribute Makefile and assembly into `dist` directory by the ConfigureOption
- Make with NASM instructions and build an OS image as following.
$ cd dist && make clean && make all
- Start QEMU with qemu command as following.
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=./dist/build/php-os.img,format=raw
- Show figure as following if you successfully to run the QEMU.
The quick start example will generate an assembly file as following:
; _______ ____ ____ _______ ___ ______
; |_ __ \|_ || _||_ __ \ .' `. .' ____ \
; | |__) | | |__| | | |__) |______ / .-. \| (___ \_|
; | ___/ | __ | | ___/|______|| | | | _.____`.
; _| |_ _| | | |_ _| |_ \ `-' /| \____) |
; |_____| |____||____||_____| `.___.' \______.'
; Notice: This file is automatically generated by PHP-OS.
; Do not edit this file. We cannot be held responsible if this is edited and overwritten again.
[bits 16]
[org 0x7c00]
xor ax, ax
xor bx, bx
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 31744
mov esi, __php_var_SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh
call __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString
jmp __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PrintDone
mov ah, 14
mov ebx, 15
int 16
or al, al
jz __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PrintDone
call __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PrintCharacter
jmp __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString
db "Hello World!", 0
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xAA55
Use VESA BIOS Extension
Render a text
use PHPOS\OS\CodeInfo;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Create kernel -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$kernel = new \PHPOS\OS\Code(
new \PHPOS\Architecture\Architecture(
// Use x86_64 architecture
$image = new \PHPOS\Service\Component\Image\Image(
// NOTE: Specify if you want to render an image path
// Only available the file size belows 4KB.
__DIR__ . '/doc/logo.png',
// Set code name
// Set 16 bit real mode
// Set kernel origin
// Set compiled kernel size (floor(filesize / 512))
->setSectors((int) floor(CodeInfo::CODE_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS_16 / \PHPOS\OS\OSInfo::PAGE_SIZE))
// Load VESA BIOS Extension
// Print "Hello World!" into VESA
->registerService(\PHPOS\Service\BIOS\IO\PrintConstantString::class, 'Hello World!')
// Write code signature
// Create bootloader --------------------------------------------------------------------------
$bootloader = new \PHPOS\OS\Code(
new \PHPOS\Architecture\Architecture(
// Use x86_64 architecture
// Initialize bootloader
// Set code name
// Set 16 bit real mode
// Set bootloader origin
// Setup segments (initialize registers for assembly)
// Add loading something sector codes
->registerService(\PHPOS\Service\BIOS\System\CallCode::class, $kernel)
// Add bootloader signature
// Bundle each codes into an OS image
$bundler = new \PHPOS\OS\Bundler\Bundler(
new \PHPOS\OS\ConfigureOption(
__DIR__ . '/dist',
// Distribute Makefile and assembly into `dist` directory by the ConfigureOption
<p align="center">
<img src="doc/demo2.png" >
Render an image from inline
use PHPOS\OS\CodeInfo;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Create kernel -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$kernel = new \PHPOS\OS\Code(
new \PHPOS\Architecture\Architecture(
// Use x86_64 architecture
$image = new \PHPOS\Service\Component\Image\Image(
// NOTE: Specify if you want to render an image path
// Only available the file size belows 4KB.
__DIR__ . '/doc/logo.png',
// Set code name
// Set 16 bit real mode
// Set kernel origin
// Set compiled kernel size (floor(filesize / 512))
->setSectors(floor(CodeInfo::CODE_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS_16 / \PHPOS\OS\OSInfo::PAGE_SIZE))
// Load VESA BIOS Extension
// Set render position
// Render an image
// Write code signature
// Create bootloader --------------------------------------------------------------------------
$bootloader = new \PHPOS\OS\Code(
new \PHPOS\Architecture\Architecture(
// Use x86_64 architecture
// Initialize bootloader
// Set code name
// Set 16 bit real mode
// Set bootloader origin
// Setup segments (initialize registers for assembly)
// Add loading something sector codes
->registerService(\PHPOS\Service\BIOS\System\CallCode::class, $kernel)
// Add bootloader signature
// Bundle each codes into an OS image
$bundler = new \PHPOS\OS\Bundler\Bundler(
new \PHPOS\OS\ConfigureOption(
__DIR__ . '/dist',
// Distribute Makefile and assembly into `dist` directory by the ConfigureOption
<p align="center">
<img src="doc/demo3.png" >
See examples
- Call a code in something sector
- Render a square using VESA
- Render an image from disk using VESA
- Enable A20 line and Transit to 32-bit mode
- Render a text
- GUI with menubar and fill background
- Capture and Print mouse position
- Enable Text Mode
- Capture inputting keys
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/
Code formatting
$ ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix src/
$ ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix tests/