


The PHP-OS is implemented an Operating System written in PHP. This is not an emulator for architectures; for example. i386, x86_64 and so on. This project makes an assembly or image file directly for an operating system.

Moreover, this is very ultra hyper maximum experimental implementation.



In currently status, this project only implements Intel x86_64 architecture. But you can try this architecture with using QEMU on aarch (macOS M1, M2).


<p align="center"> <img src="./doc/demo3.png"> </p>

Quick Start

  1. Install PHP-OS via composer.
$ composer require m3m0r7/php-os
  1. Write an example code as HelloWorld.php as following.

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$bootloader = new \PHPOS\OS\Code(
    new \PHPOS\Architecture\Architecture(
    // Use x86_64 architecture

// Initialize bootloader
    // Set 16 bit real mode

    // Set bootloader origin

    // Print Hello World into BIOS screen

    // Add bootloader signature

// Bundle the code into an OS image
$bundler = new \PHPOS\OS\Bundler\Bundler(
    new \PHPOS\OS\ConfigureOption(
        __DIR__ . '/dist',

// Distribute Makefile and assembly into `dist` directory by the ConfigureOption

  1. Make with NASM instructions and build an OS image as following.
$ cd dist && make clean && make all
  1. Start QEMU with qemu command as following.
$ qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=./dist/build/php-os.img,format=raw
  1. Show figure as following if you successfully to run the QEMU.
<p align="center"> <img src="./doc/demo.png"> </p>

The quick start example will generate an assembly file as following:

;   _______  ____  ____  _______            ___     ______
;  |_   __ \|_   ||   _||_   __ \         .'   `. .' ____ \
;    | |__) | | |__| |    | |__) |______ /  .-.  \| (___ \_|
;    |  ___/  |  __  |    |  ___/|______|| |   | | _.____`.
;   _| |_    _| |  | |_  _| |_           \  `-'  /| \____) |
;  |_____|  |____||____||_____|           `.___.'  \______.'
; Notice: This file is automatically generated by PHP-OS.
;         Do not edit this file. We cannot be held responsible if this is edited and overwritten again.

[bits 16]

[org 0x7c00]

  xor ax, ax
  xor bx, bx
  mov ds, ax
  mov es, ax
  mov ss, ax
  mov sp, 31744
mov esi, __php_var_SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh
call __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString
jmp __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PrintDone
  mov ah, 14
  mov ebx, 15
  int 16
  or al, al
  jz __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PrintDone
  call __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString_PrintCharacter
  jmp __php_PHPOS_Service_BIOS_IO_PrintConstantString

  db "Hello World!", 0

times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xAA55

Use VESA BIOS Extension

Render a text


use PHPOS\OS\CodeInfo;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// Create kernel -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

$kernel = new \PHPOS\OS\Code(
    new \PHPOS\Architecture\Architecture(
        // Use x86_64 architecture

$image = new \PHPOS\Service\Component\Image\Image(
    // NOTE: Specify if you want to render an image path
    //       Only available the file size belows 4KB.
    __DIR__ . '/doc/logo.png',
    // Set code name

    // Set 16 bit real mode

    // Set kernel origin

    // Set compiled kernel size (floor(filesize / 512))
    ->setSectors((int) floor(CodeInfo::CODE_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS_16 / \PHPOS\OS\OSInfo::PAGE_SIZE))

    // Load VESA BIOS Extension

    // Print "Hello World!" into VESA
    ->registerService(\PHPOS\Service\BIOS\IO\PrintConstantString::class, 'Hello World!')

    // Write code signature

// Create bootloader --------------------------------------------------------------------------

$bootloader = new \PHPOS\OS\Code(
    new \PHPOS\Architecture\Architecture(
        // Use x86_64 architecture

// Initialize bootloader
    // Set code name

    // Set 16 bit real mode

    // Set bootloader origin

    // Setup segments (initialize registers for assembly)

    // Add loading something sector codes
    ->registerService(\PHPOS\Service\BIOS\System\CallCode::class, $kernel)

    // Add bootloader signature

// Bundle each codes into an OS image
$bundler = new \PHPOS\OS\Bundler\Bundler(
    new \PHPOS\OS\ConfigureOption(
        __DIR__ . '/dist',

// Distribute Makefile and assembly into `dist` directory by the ConfigureOption
<p align="center"> <img src="doc/demo2.png" > </p>

Render an image from inline


use PHPOS\OS\CodeInfo;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// Create kernel -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

$kernel = new \PHPOS\OS\Code(
    new \PHPOS\Architecture\Architecture(
        // Use x86_64 architecture

$image = new \PHPOS\Service\Component\Image\Image(
    // NOTE: Specify if you want to render an image path
    //       Only available the file size belows 4KB.
    __DIR__ . '/doc/logo.png',
    // Set code name

    // Set 16 bit real mode

    // Set kernel origin

    // Set compiled kernel size (floor(filesize / 512))
    ->setSectors(floor(CodeInfo::CODE_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS_16 / \PHPOS\OS\OSInfo::PAGE_SIZE))

    // Load VESA BIOS Extension

    // Set render position

    // Render an image

    // Write code signature

// Create bootloader --------------------------------------------------------------------------

$bootloader = new \PHPOS\OS\Code(
    new \PHPOS\Architecture\Architecture(
        // Use x86_64 architecture

// Initialize bootloader
    // Set code name

    // Set 16 bit real mode

    // Set bootloader origin

    // Setup segments (initialize registers for assembly)

    // Add loading something sector codes
    ->registerService(\PHPOS\Service\BIOS\System\CallCode::class, $kernel)

    // Add bootloader signature

// Bundle each codes into an OS image
$bundler = new \PHPOS\OS\Bundler\Bundler(
    new \PHPOS\OS\ConfigureOption(
        __DIR__ . '/dist',

// Distribute Makefile and assembly into `dist` directory by the ConfigureOption
<p align="center"> <img src="doc/demo3.png" > </p>

See examples


$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/

Code formatting

$ ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix src/
$ ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix tests/
